Martial tournament-1

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Preparation for founding festival has been completed.  Today under a sky as clear as crystal , tempest festival will be held. 
This is the capital of the monster kingdom rimuru.  The location is the recently finished Colosseum . It is a huge building, large enough to accommodate 50 000 people and had a roof that stuck out over the audience seats.  It had a semi - circular shape. The audience was crowding all over the place and all of the seats are occupied. 
The audience seats surrounded an empty area , which we have prepared as the stage for the battle.  The stage for battle is made of many small rocks modified in one giant, flat Rock plate , 20 metres in length.  The Rock plate is infused with magicules and a magical barrier is embioded over it making it ten thousand times harder than concrete . It's 2m thick and it would be able to take direct hit from nuclear strike magic without a crack. 
Beyond that, we'd set up a double layer defense barrier. The first layer covered the entire group.  It went all the way to spectator seats . The second one stretched around inner circumference of the seating.  The whole arena is filled to the brim with excitement. 
Fighting tournaments also exist in this world, but not upto the scale here . Ingrassia kingdom hosts such events every year but only wealthy got to partake as audience, while commoners had to wait for the results to be unveiled. 
We have also installed giant screens on all four directions, making it possible for a live close up view .
Well, it's about time. 
I stood up and spoke in the microphone. 

" Nice to meet you all , I am one of octagram demon lord , rimuru tempest and ruler of this nation . Today, I am pleased that you take the time to respond to the invitation of our country . I wish to live in peace and harmony with you all, so avoid causing trouble to our nation.  I believe humans and monsters should cooperate. I want to build a kingdom where everyone lives together in harmony .
I'm aware that there are many who are wary of my identity as a demon lord ,I do honestly think hard on making a good impression.  I don't wish to impose my desires upon any of you at all . If you would do your best to end your conflict with monsters , I would certainly be pleased.  If you don't wish to , well , it can't be help. 
I don't see any reason to attack a nation who refuse to cooperate, though those who do are certainly held in a better light.  But if you treat us unfairly due to our monster status or should a war ever be started in the name of subjugation of monsters , please do not that not a single life will be spared . The earth would be turned to sorch ground and the rulership of the nation will be laid waste upon . Please do know that I long for peace. These words might come out as threats , but they are my honest feelings . I do really detest war , but I will never hesitate when the need arises. 
I pray you all make a wise decision and consider them as the open remark . "
Thus , while not exactly grand , the fighting tournament was kicked off by the applause from the whole venue .

There are total 16 contestants participating in the tournament , 12 were nominated while 4 remaining contestants were selected from preliminary rounds.  There were 200 applicants so we divided them into 4 division , 50 people each . Thus , 4 champions from preliminary rounds will find themselves in the final tournament . It took place yesterday. Because of myourmiles kun brillant advertisement, we were able to sold all 50 000 tickets of colessuum in preliminary rounds.  Here is the report of the matches. 

Match 1  : this match was held in morning. 
Among the first division were several A - rank monsters and also the representative of the gozu ( gozurl ) and mezu ( mezurl ) . After being named by me , they evolve into gyuuki and baki respectively, making them A + rank monsters.  In less than 10 mins , only two of them were left . Gozurl was the winner between them after their bout. 

Match 2 : demon lord dagruel sons eliminated all the other candidates in less than 3 minutes.  There were many adventurers who participated in hope of challenging and defeating evil demon lords but their ambitions were crushed by three giants . Eldest son dagura emerge as the winner of this match. 

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