Future planning

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Currently in a room 5 people are present.  They are rimuru,   youm , myullan , grucious and benimaru .

" Do you know why you are arrested, don't you myullan ?" Rimuru asked coldly .

" Yes , because I am majin sent by demon lord clayman as spy ." She replied hesistanly

" You not only hid your identity but tried to harm people of  . Do you think we will let you go easily ?"

" You don't have anything to say ! Very well I have decided your punishment. you have to die for your action .

" Rimuru danna , please forgive her I will do anything to make up for it. Please "

" Rimuru sama , myullan must have some reason for this unless she won't do anything like this . "

Youm and grucious tried to defend her. Grucious moved forward in an attempt to stop rimuru but was pinned by benimaru to the ground .

" Youm take myullan away with you , run ."

" Myullan we have to hurr ...." You took her hands and tried to get out of their .
" I loved you youm . You were first man I fell in love with. Try not to deceive by any more evil women okay . Goodbye "

She moved towards rimuru accepting her fate . Youm tried to move forward but was binded by string thread .

" Myullan !!"

Rimuru pierced through her heart .

" Great look like it worked . " He said

" Huh ? Why am I alive ?"

" You were dead for about three seconds . I did say you needed to die but I never intended to kill you . Clayman was using y so I replaced it with this artificial heart . "

" Then .."

" Yes , this will work properly as a heart . Of course clayman can't control you . you are now free . "

" That's awesome, myullan . There is nothing to worry now . " Youm said

" There aren't enough words to express my gratitude but if you desire my allegiance , I freely give it to you. "

" Nah , no need for that . I just want your help with something . "

" What ?"

"Not only your but youm's help also "
" I want youm to become new king of falmuth "

" All right , leave it to me !"
" Wait .... What  king ?"

" Falmuth army had been completely destroyed by us including it's top officers . King edmaris can't rule now . That's when your role came . You will become new king of falmuth . Obviously we will help you to the end. I want myullan to support him he is not mature enough to handle that role alone . "

" I don't mind being tied up to him and he really can't do that alone . "

" Right "

" He will you all stop making fun of me "

" So what is your decision , youm ?"
" Ok I will do it . For rimuru danna and for myullan "
" I will also support him ." Grucious joined .

" Ok . McLaren ?"

" Yes rimuru sama . "

" You will be youm's bodyguard till this whole time . "

Evening in meeting room

It the hall people present are me and his executives , youm, myullan , grucious , three beastkeeters and kaval's party .

" So everyone let me introduce you to our new acquittances . They are testarossa , carrera and ultima , Diablo's friends . "

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