Epilogue : New alliance

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Granbell is sitting alone in his room .

" You have quite tense expression their , granbell Rosso !" He hears ab unfamiliar voice coming from the chair beside him. 

" Y... Who are you ? How did you get in here ?" Granbell quickly gets up from his seat in surprise .

" Why didn't I sense your presence until now ? Who are you ?" He asks to the stranger suddenly appeared in his room.  he has long black hair with blue shades on it . His eyes are also blue with two dark pair of horns.

" Answer me ?" Granbell took out his sword ' truth ' and points it towards him . But the majin didn't flinched a little and caught his sword by his bare hand. 

" You have got some nice weapon here . " He got up from his seat and snatched the sword from granbell's hand .

" Calm down . Don't panic and sit here . I have something important to talk to you.  " Majin throws his sword away. 
Granbell is shocked . Even though he has become old . He was still a hero and one of the strongest humans in West.  Hinata sakaguchi , who is known as strongest person in West is still inferior compared to him yet this being just snatch his sword with such ease. 

" Sit down here . I am not here to kill you.  If I wanted , you would have been dead before you could realise.  Their is no point in shouting.  Just listen to me . " Granbell agreed to him and got back on his seat  . He understood the person before him is too powerful to make any attempt of resistance. 

" I came here to make an alliance with you . " Majin says looking straight in granbell's eyes. 

" Huh !!"

" You want to get rid of demon lord rimuru , right. We are also not very fond of him . Since our enemy is common, why don't we form an alliance to take him down ? " He asks as he pours a drink from granbell's wine .

" Why do you need our help ? If you have problem with demon lord rimuru , why don't you get rid of him yourself ? It would be easy for you, right " granbell says , from his experience , he could tell that the person before him is far stronger than. Infact , the pressure he felt for him is far greater than anything granbell ever experienced . Even demon lord luminous can't be compared him .

" It's not that easy . You are underestimating his threat . You heard about the demon serving demon lord rimuru, right ."

" Yeah , the one responsible for dethroning king edward and making falmuth a puppet nation of the demon lord . "

" Yes , him . Still you are underestimating demon lord . That demon alone defeated 3 celestial sages and 2 martial sages and stopped the civil war single handedly . Do you understand how powerful he is ?
He is no mere an archdemon but ....

" He is a primordial demon and that too with a name . A demon peer , an existence superior to any demon lord seeds , closest thing to an awakened demon lord !" Granbell interrupted him .

" But I don't think an awakened demon lord is something you can't handle alone . You seem more powerful than ancient demon lord like luminous valentine.  "

" You are right . I can deal with luminous valentine but he is not that simple . Not only primordial black serving him but other primordials like Blanc , violet , jaune are under him.  " Majin says calmly .

" What !!" Granbell is completely surprised . Four primordials serving someone is beyond his understanding . Not to mention , the demoness trio known for being egoistic and prideful , are someone's subordinates .

" All of them are also named by him . We don't know how many demons followed them . But do you understand the threat of demon lord rimuru . His demon army alone is a threat.  He is far more dangerous than demon lord luminous valentine and me . "

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