War against clayman forces -1

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" What happened to falmuth army , tear ? is their no report about it yet ?" Yuuki asked

" All of the falmuth army has gone missing . Their is no message from holy knights either . I believe they are destroyed . "

" W - what . Even ten great saints members . They all were sages . Without their leader , how can that monster nation defeat them so easily.  Even Hinata failed to assassinate rimuru . Tempest is becoming nuisance in our plan . " Yuuki said frustratedly .

" How is everything going with clayman ?" He asked

" Clayman seems to be quite confident because of his control over demon lord milim . Demon lord carrion had been killed now he is trying to eliminate that rimuru.  He is proposed demon lord banquet walpurgis for that . "

" I see . But is he sure of his control over demon lord milim . Is she strong enough to defeat rimuru san . He is very strong maybe strongest person I have ever met . Not only that , their are many powerful majins working under him . I don't think clayman can beat some of his subordinates ."

" Yeah , boss . That one was very nasty one. I don't want to meet him again . " Laplace said .

" It seems clayman is trying to awaken before walpurgis. He has sent his forces to acquire human souls in beastkingdom . "

" Then we can only help him awaken before walpurgis . So that he can stand up against rimuru san . "

" do you think after awakening , clayman can defeat that rimuru . " Laplace asked

" We can only gamble on that . Anyway laplace what did you find in inner sanctum of Western holy church ?"

" Well about that . The security was too strict, it was impossible! You are really a mean guy . It was very tough !" Laplace complaint

" Don't be like that . I already got your remuneration prepared ."

" Seriously !"

" Yeah , I safely transferred your President's soul into a homunculus ."

" President is finally back ! Where is he ? Hurry up and let us meet him !" Laplace excitedly said  .

" Calm down , he's been here since a while ago ." Yuuki pointed towards an elf standing beside the door .

" Eh ? This ... Pretty lady over here ?"

" Hahaha ! Hahaha . What's up with that getup ? Did you get yourself a new hobby , president ?"

All three clowns started laughing .

" Shut up , laplace . You too , tear and footman . It's our reunion after 200 years is that how you behave in front of me . "

" Welcome back president . We have been waiting for you , me footman tear as well as clayman . " All clowns bowed in front of elf lady .

" Sorry for interrupting your touchy reunion . But can we get to main topic . So what did you find in hq of holy church ?" Yuuki said

" When I went there was nothing out of ordinary. So I decided to head to the top of the sacred mountain . I figured their must be something where only holy emperor is allowed to enter . But then a vampire bugger started shooting red beams and destroyed me in pieces . "

" Then , how are you still alive ?"

" He shot red beams ? That's technique called blood Ray that turns bloods into magical particles and shoot it demon lord Roy Valentine uses this technique ?"

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