Chapter 20 (Part 3 of 3)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn

Chapter 20 (Part 3 of 3)

Jason shifted for the first time in days.  Walking on two legs rather than four felt strange at first but his body quickly acclimated to the difference.

Slowly, he started to approach the smoking car. The front end was smashed up against a telephone pole, completely obliterating the hood.  The glass in the back window shattered and the smell of blood was thick in the air. 

Racing towards the car, Jason didn’t bother to think about his current state of nudity or even his precious Dava.  His pack instincts kicked in and all he could think about what saving his injured Alpha. 

When he reached the driver side door he spotted an unconscious Rafe with his head limply bent over the steering wheel. Rivulets of blood dripped down the side of his face from an angry looking gash on the top of his forehead.  The front windshield had a huge spider web crack that spanned across the entire width of the window.  In the center of the crack there was a dark red bloodstain and Jason deduced that Rafe’s head must have collided with the windshield causing the head injury. 

From his place outside of the car that was the only injury that he could see.  At this point he couldn’t tell if there were any other serious injuries without getting him out of the wrecked car.

Jason grabbed the handle and tried to jerk the driver side door open but it refused to budge. He pulled several more times, trying to wrench open the door and still, it refused to open. Frustrated, Jason took a step back and eyed the door. He knew instantly what the problem was.  It didn’t take a genius to see that the entire frame of the car was bent.  It was no wonder the door refused open.

Jason ran around to the other side of the car.  He could only think of one other option to help Rafe.  He would have to bust out a window and then drag him out that way. 

He decided to avoid the back window because there was too much loose glass scattered in the back seat. He immediately dismissed the driver side window because it was too close to his Alpha’s face so they left the passenger side window. 

Standing on the passenger side of the car Jason started to look for something to protect his arm and realized for the first time that he was stark naked. He wasn’t about to attempt to knock out the window with his bare fist.  People called him a lot of things, crazy was one of them but stupid, not so much.

He spit out a harsh curse under his breath.  Wasn’t this just his luck?  Not only was he standing on a public road in the buff but he didn’t know how the hell he was supposed to help Rafe without slicing up his own arm in the process.

Jason glanced down at the ground. What he needed right now was a Plan B.

Maybe, he thought to himself, he could find something else to use to break out the window.  Something hard, something big but not too big, something that would break the glass if he put enough force behind it.

As he continued to study his surroundings it didn’t take Jason long to find that something.  Maybe his bad luck was starting to change he thought wryly.

Just a few feet from where he was standing he spotted a rock embedded in the dirt.  It was about the size of his fist, maybe a little larger, half buried near the front wheel of the wrecked car.

Reaching down, he tugged on the rock and after only a few pulls it broke loose from the ground easily.

Now that he had the rock in his hand, he didn’t waste any more time. 

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