Chapter 22

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn

Chapter 22

Rafe stormed into his house, raw anger brewing inside of him like a violent storm threatening to break loose. Nothing was going the way that it was supposed to be going, nothing at all.

Stupidly, he openly admitted his life’s biggest secret to another member of the pack.  Not only that, he threatened his son’s life.  The boy had been stunned by his revelation and hell, why shouldn’t he be?  How many times does an alpha admit that he had a true mate that he wasn’t actually mated to?

Shifting, he’d taken off running through the woods, leaving the boy standing at the scene of the accident. So many different things were rolling through his mind at the moment that he needed to think about what he was going to do.

First and foremost was Dava. Where was she now?  Was she safe? How was she going to take the news when he told her that she belonged to him?

Then there was Adam, his son.  The bastard son that was determined to take Dava away from him. The boy even had the nerve to go as far as to mark and claim her as his own.

It wasn’t going to happen.  Not like this.

Rafe refused to let him have her.

Over my dead body…

He’d just as soon kill the pup than let him take what had belonged to him to begin with.

And then there was Tayla.  His wife. The mother of his son.  She was the one he worried about the most. How was all this going to affect her?

He still loved Tayla in his own way. She’d always hold a special place in his heart. They’d been together for almost nineteen years now and she was the mother of his only son.  She was more than that though.  She was kind, sweet, beautiful and everything that he could have ever wanted or even asked for in a mate. 

The only problem, she wasn’t his Dava. 

Like it or not, Dava was supposed to have been his true mate. The Laws of genetics be damned.

She was the one person in this world born to be the other half of his soul. She belonged to him and neither one of them could ever really be complete without the other. It may have taken him thirteen years to accept that fact, but by God, he was accepting it now. 

It wasn’t too late he told himself. It couldn’t be too late. He had to believe that because if he’d lost Dava for good then he really had nothing else in this world to live for.

“Tayla,” he called out entering the kitchen. 

Dieing of thirst he walked over to the refrigerator, pulled it open and grabbed a cold bottle of water.  Twisting off the top, he tipped the bottle up and gulped down half the bottle all at once. His mind was still going about sixty miles an hour.

He hadn’t even decided what he was going to say to his wife or exactly how he was going to say it.  How does any person go about telling their wife that it was fun while it lasted but now that you’ve decided to claim your true mate it was over?    

Rafe frowned. He hadn’t thought this through enough. He really didn’t want to hurt Tayla but what other choice did he have in the matter?

He sighed. What he needed to do was deal with one problem at a time. First, he needed to think of a way to bring Dava back to the pack.  At least on pack grounds, as the alpha, he held all the power.  He needed to think of a way to bring Adam back to his territory. 

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