Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Adam walked into his house, letting the door slam hard behind him. He was feeling more than just a little frustrated with himself because he never did get to see Dava again after Blake so rudely interrupted them.

When the final bell rang, he even went straight to the parking lot, hoping to catch up with her, but evidently she was a just a little bit faster because by the time that he got there, she was nowhere to be seen.

“Mom, I’m home,” he called out, tossing his book on the couch.

“I’m in the kitchen Adam.”

Adam headed straight for the kitchen. He didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling but his wolf was itching up under his skin. He wanted to see more of Dava, he wanted to hear her lyrical voice, smell her orangery scent, and touch her satiny skin. He just wanted to be near her and yet, she wouldn’t even talk to him.

Was it only me, he asked himself. Was I the only one that felt this connection? The feelings had been so strong, so in your face that he just couldn’t see how she didn’t feel anything. It just didn’t make any sense to him.

Tayla carefully stirred her famous marina sauce that she had been cooking up for most of the afternoon. When Adam walked into the kitchen, she smiled at him. “So,” she prodded, “How was your first day?”

Adam walked over to the counter and stole a cucumber bite that she had just cut for the salad. Tayla used her wooden spoon and smacked at his hand. “That’s for the dinner party,” she chastised him.

He popped the cucumber in his mouth, held up his empty hands and grinned unrepentantly back at her. She shook her head at him and mumbled, “Like father, like son. If he’s not pilfering the food, then it’s you.”

“I’m a growing boy,” he argued and leaned back on the counter so that his elbows propped him up. “I need fuel you know.”

“Didn’t they feed you at school?”

“Yeah, but that was hours ago. I’m hungry now. What time did you say this party was supposed to be?”

Tayla grabbed a plate of chocolate chip cookies out of the cabinet that she had put up especially for him and placed them in front of him. “People should start arriving around six. It’s not formal but it would make me happy if you would shower and put on something a little bit nicer than holey jeans and a tee-shirt.”

Adam’s grin widened. He picked up a cookie and took a bite out of it. “Mm,” he groaned while he chewed. “I haven’t had these in years. Nobody makes chocolate chip cookies like you mom.”

She pointed her spoon in his direction. “That’s right, and you remember that too. Even after you get yourself mated and move on, you can always come home and visit me for the cookies, if nothing else.”

When she mentioned the word ‘mated’, Adams wolf stirred. A mental image of Dava flashed in his mind and instantly he felt himself aroused to a level that he had never felt before.

“Oh yeah,” Tayla spoke up. “I talked to your dad earlier and we’ve both agreed that you don’t have to settle on a mate immediately. But, he does want you to start courting some of the available female wolves. Now is the time to get to know your options.”

“Court?” The word stuck in his throat. There was only one female he had any interest in courting. And that was one particular sprightly looking blond with bright eyes that seemed to take in everything around her. Just thinking about courting any other female made him shudder.

“Yes Adam, court. As in dating girls. Tonight will be a good start because you can meet some of the available females in the pack. We’re giving you a year Adam, but that’s as long as we dare wait. Too much is going on in the outside world, especially with the rogues. We can’t chance looking weak and uncertain in the face of all the new threats.”

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