Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dava straightened and quickly pushed herself away from the Alpha’s son.  The last thing that she wanted was to be caught in his arms.  That wouldn’t be good at all.

“Sorry,” she mumbled and looked away from him.  “For some unfailing reason, I can’t seem to walk.”  She let out a nervous chuckle and using her hand, she tried to smooth down her skirt.  “I feel like I have two left feet today….. or something,” she trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

Her scent was driving Adam absolutely wild. He had never been so turned on, so fast in his life.  She smelled like ripened oranges; very sweet, very tempting, and very luscious oranges that he was dying to get a taste of.

She had turned away from him, intentionally avoiding his gaze but not before Adam caught the recognition in her eyes when he held her in his arms.  She knew, he told himself.  She knew who he was and the moment that she opened those alluring jaded green orbs of hers and their gazes interminably locked, everything just clicked.  All of a sudden everything in his world just seemed right. 

He had heard some say that the earth shifts when you meet your mate; others have said that your world gets rocked.  For Adam, it was both.  The earth not only shifted but pulled the rug right out from underneath him while at the same time his world was irrevocably rocked.

And it was all because of her- this captivating, blond headed siren standing in front of him.  Unable to stop himself, he took a step forward, so that he loomed behind her.  He left just the scantiest bit of space to breathe between them.  He was so close to her that he could feel the body heat radiating off of her olive toned skin.  

“You’re very beautiful,” he told her, dipping his head to the crook of her neck.  Adam closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, instantly calming his wolf with her sweet perfume.

Dava stiffened, afraid to move.  She was desperately fighting the need to sink back into the body that hovered behind her.  He lifted his hand, and brushed her hair aside, giving him full access to the skin at the base of her neck.

“So…. Very beautiful,” he murmured again, leaning in to place a heated open mouthed kiss to the place that one day soon he hoped to mark as his own.

That one kiss sent molten heat pooling to Dava’s center.  It was like all of her nerves were focused in that one area of her body.  She was flushed and she didn’t have a clue as to what it was that the Alpha’s son was doing to her, and that scared the crap out of her.

“Sir, please,” she begged and drew up her shoulder to ward him off.  Surely, they shouldn’t be doing this.   She wasn’t the right one for him.  He probably saw her as a toy and she didn’t want to be a toy for anyone.

“Adam,” he whispered his name at her ear.  “My name is Adam,” he said, unable to hide the husky tenor in his voice.   

“Adam,” she repeated his name and he groaned.  The way that his name sounded coming off her lips was just as good as any artificial aphrodisiac that could be bought.

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