Chapter 16, Part 2

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“Alpha Mine”

Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved

**Edited by LadyDawn

Chapter 16- Part 2

It was hot. That’s all Dava could think about, how hot she was. She struggled for a breath of fresh air and groaned when she was only able to draw in a stuffy breath. Tiny beads of sweat trickled down the side of her face her stomach lurched, adding a nice case of nausea to her growing list of problems.

Where am I, she wondered. It felt like she was cornered in a sauna. She tried to open her eyes but they were being stubborn and refused to open. She then tried to roll over but realized that she couldn’t move at all. Something was blocking her or rather, someone was holding her, pinning her in place.

She started to panic but then the pain hit. Lots and lots of physical, agonizing pain. Her arm burned like crazy and then her leg… her leg throbbed like it had a heartbeat of its own.

“Oh God,” she muttered, “Just kill me now.” She was doing her best not to move a single muscle but she had to breathe and even breathing required movement. She couldn’t stop the pain.

“Sweetheart?” A familiar deep, masculine voice called out but it sounded so far away. The loud roaring in her head easily drowned out all the other sounds around her. She could still hear someone speaking to her but she couldn’t understand the words or place who it actually was.

Anxiety struck her fast and hard. She couldn’t process what was happening to her. She felt her chest constrict and soon found herself panting heavily, struggling just to breathe. Cool air suddenly splashed her face and behind her closed lids, she could tell that a bright light had been turned on.

There were more sounds, people talking but the conversation was muffled. She still couldn’t make out the words or recognized the people that were actually speaking. She felt a cool hand gently touch her face and it felt…good. That small touch, for what it was worth seemed to actually quiet some of the pain.

“That’s it, calm…” The same familiar voice broke through her pain filled haze, soothing her in a way that she didn’t understand. Right now, she didn’t care if she understood, as long as she didn’t hurt the way she had just moments earlier.

“Relax,” the same voice said again and as the roaring in her head slowly started to die down; she focused on the sound of his heartbeat. Tha-dump…tha-dump. Slow and steady. For the briefest of seconds she felt it odd that it almost seemed like it was beating in sync with her own.

Relaxing, she felt the tip of his finger trace the outside of her lips and her breathing continued to slow. She quickly realized that as long as his hands were on her, the pain was kept at bay.

But who was this stranger holding her and touching her so sensually? She wanted to know. She needed to know, and once again, she tried hard to force her eyes to open, but they still refused to cooperate.

“Dava,” the smooth voice sounded so close this time. So close that she imagined if she reached out she would be able to touch him. The problem was that she didn’t have the strength to even lift her pinky finger, much less her hand.

“Sweetheart,” her savior spoke again, “I’m going to place something warm at your lips. I want you to swallow it, okay? It’s going to make you feel better.”

This time she understood what he was saying. And because the pain was waning, she didn’t think to question him; she just reacted and opened her mouth. Warm liquid slowly seeped inside and she swallowed. The liquid was warm and felt good on her parched throat. She swallowed some more and almost moaned at just the taste of it. Whatever he was giving her was sweet, sweet and tangy…and highly addictive. It warmed her from the inside out.

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