Chapter 26 (Part 2 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn

Chapter 26 (Part 2 of 2)

Blake raised her fist and impatiently knocked on the door again. She’d already knocked once and no one came to the door. She knew that someone was home because she could still smell both Logan’s and Adam’s scent lingering in the air around the porch.

This game of hide and seek was getting old. Adam needed to get on the ball and claim her before the Council meeting tonight.

She waited.

And waited.

And waited before banging on the door again.  “Come on,” she yelled. “Open up! I know you’re in there.”

The door suddenly swung open, catching Blake by surprise. A sleepy faced Logan stared back at her. He wore nothing but a pair of cargo shorts that hung low on his hips. He rubbed his eyes before curling up his lips into a snarl. “Oh, it’s you,” he said and took a step back, ready to slam the door in her face.

“Hey,” she cried out, sticking her hand up before he close the door on her.

Logan was in no mood to deal with Blake right now. She would be dealt with at the Council meeting. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep. Since Dava’s accident, he’d been on alert and this was the first time he’d been able to lay down and just sleep.

“Where is he?” She demanded. “I know he’s here. I can smell him.”

Logan rolled his eyes and turned his back on Blake. He had no intention of talking to her.  He knew what she was up to and he didn't want any part of it. His loyalty belonged to Adam and his true mate, Dava. He didn't owe this bitch jack shit.

Blake stormed into Logan's house, her rising anger leading the way. "Logan, don't you dare walk away from me. Tell me. You better tell me right now where he is or so help me," she stopped and swore when he walked into his room and slammed the door in her face.

This could not be happening. She was going to be the Pack’s future Luna.  Everyone was supposed to respect her.  She wasn’t about to let a closed door get in her way of her future.

Marching forwards, she grabbed the rounded handle and shoved the door wide open.  Walking into the room, she closed the door behind her. Logan was already lying face down on his bed, his head facing the wall.

She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes in his direction.  "Logan, I'm not playing with you. You better tell me where my mate's is at or as you future Luna, I'll make sure that the rest of your life a living hell.  Do you hear me?!"

Logan slowly pushed himself up on the bed and turned to look at her. His eyes were now wide open and hatred for the female standing in front of him was burning hot and fast through his veins. "Are you fucking kidding me? Did you seriously just threaten me?"

Blake scoffed. “Call it what you will. I will not be kept from my mate.”

“You don't have a mate!" Logan shot off the bed and exclaimed furiously. 

She rolled her eyes, quickly getting bored with the conversation.  She needed one thing and one thing only.  Why was he being so stubborn about this?  “Shows how much you know.  Adam is my mate.  He marked and claimed me a few days ago.  We’re just waiting for the Council to make it official.”

He stalked towards her stopping when they were nose to nose.  “In your wildest dreams. You forget female, I have been with Adam these last few days.  I know who he was with and what he has done. He has been with his true mate, taking care of her, marking her and you,” he said pointing his finger at her chest. “Were never even part of the equation. Right now, I would bet that he is about finished consummating his mating Dava.”

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