Chapter 24 (Part 1 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn

Chapter 24 (Part 1 of 2)

“Dad.” Adam’s greeting coupled with a hard stare penetrated Rafe’s dream like haze. He'd been so wrapped up in the sight of his angel that he hadn't registered anyone else in the yard.

Rafe’s couldn't pull his eyes away from Dava. She was so beautiful.  He would never understand how he was able to ignore her for so long.

It wasn’t until Adam wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side that Rafe turned his attention to his son.

He regained his composure.  “You’ve come back,” he said coolly.

“For now,” Adam replied steadily.  

"For now?"  The Alpha took slow, measured steps towards the truck, hyper aware that everyone’s eyes were on him and his son.  “And what exactly is that supposed to mean.”

“It means just what I said.  I’m here because I need to be, whether or not I stay, remains to be seen.”

“You will stay, son.  You have an obligation to this Pack- or have you already forgotten that?”

Adam’s eyes flashed gold, reflecting his wolf's presence.  “I’ve forgotten nothing,” he growled low in his throat.  “My only true obligation is to my mate.”

Rafe tilted his head to the side and gave off the picture perfect image of total relaxation while he studied Adam.  The image was a total farce.  He was having one helluva struggle resisting the urge to lunge forward, ripping Dava out of his son’s arms.

Her place was with him.  Dava belonged in his arms; not Adams.  He wanted her something fierce, but he knew making a stupid move like that would not serve his purpose.  

Right now, what he needed most was to be smart about this.

“Your mate,” Rafe pointed out evenly, “is waiting for you inside the house.  I believe  that at this very minute she is working on the final preparations for your official ceremony that is scheduled to take place on the next full moon.”

“My mate is right here.”

A collective sound of gasps filled the yard.  “I don’t think so.”

“I don’t rightly give a damn about what you think,” Adam said bluntly.  “She wears my mark. Dava is my mate.”

“She can’t be your mate, son.  She is a simple turned.  Alpha’s don’t mate turneds.  You know that and besides, Blake is a wolf worthy of an alpha mate.  She has already told everyone that you marked her; that you have already claimed her in every way that is necessary. Your bond with her is complete barring the official ceremony.  Are you seriously  trying to tell me and everyone out here that you didn’t mark that female as your own?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Adam shot back furiously.  

“She,” he said, pulling the corner of Dava’s shirt down so that her shoulder revealed his mark, “is my one and only mate.  She is the only one that I want.  She is mine.” He pulled his shirt down to proudly reveal her bite mark on his shoulder. "As I am hers."

“No! No, no, no!” Jason interrupted.  “Not yet she isn’t. Not until we talk to my parents and prove this twin mark is a non issue.  I refuse to accept the fact that she is my sister. She is supposed to be my mate.”

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