Chapter 32 (Part 2 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

2014 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 32 (Part 2 of 2)

She had to find him.  There were no if’s, and’s or but’s about it.  Dava had to get to Adam and she had to get to him before it was too late.  She just had to because the alternative, well, there really wasn’t an alternative because if he didn’t find a way to live then she was pretty sure that she would not be able to survive without him. 

Survival was the only option.  She was determined to reach him even as she felt the last bit of his life draining out of him.  She just had to make it to him.  See him.  Touch him.  Do something other than standing around and feeling his very essence pulling away from her.

Pushing herself harder than she'd ever pushed before her paws felt like they were floating across the moss covered ground. She was getting closer.  She knew it because her wolf sensed their connection getting stronger with each frantic step that she took. 

They were getting closer to him and that's all she cared about.  “Hang on,” she whispered fiercely through their connection. “Please…for the sake of the Goddess, just hang on!” 

Moving faster now she easily jumped over a small creek and then flew around a bend feeling her skin hum with his nearness.  She was really close.  So close that all she cold smell was his blood, her mate's blood, so thick in the air.  She jumped again, narrowly avoiding a weathered stump and then suddenly she was there.  

Breathing heavily, all she could do was stare at the limp figure hunched over on the ground.  He wasn't moving.

For a brief second she felt her heart stop beating in her chest.  No!  It couldn't be. Not yet.

She blinked her eyes not wanting to see what was so clearly in front of her.  Her wolf had led her straight to him.  Adam.  Her mate.

She took a step in his direction but he still wasn’t moving.  With her keen wolf’s eyes she spotted a pool of crimson red liquid seeping into the ground underneath him. 

“Da-va?”  Adam croaked. 

Hearing her name on his lips she immediately shifted back into her human form.  Unable to hold back any longer she ran to his side and dropped helplessly to her knees.  She couldn’t believe any of this was happening.  They’d just found each other.  Wasn't it just a few days ago that Adam had brought her back from the brink of death? 

She couldn’t lose him now.

Grabbing his face with her hands she turned his head so that she could see into his eyes.  His face was pale.  Too pale and his skin felt way to cold to the touch. 

There was just so much blood.  Thick, potent and it covered almost every inch of her mate.  His tattered clothing was soaked with it.  His hair was matted with it.  Even a small rivulet of red spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Feeling her touch, Adam’s eyes struggled to open.  "," he whispered out, when he finally honed in on her.  "My beau-ti-ful Dava.  I, I love you."

His lips curved up just a little at the corners.  He looked so peaceful and yet so sad at the same time.  "Don’t ever forget,” he started to speak again.  “That I... love... you for now… and for-ever."

"I love you too," she told him fiercely, meaning it from the bottom of her heart.  "I love you so much.  And as soon as you heal we’ll…"

He shook his head.  “No… live,” he whispered.  “You run away from here.  You… be strong.  You live.”  He stopped for a second and took a ragged breath. “You,” he told her staring deeply into her eyes.  “You live…you live for us.”

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