Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jared walked into his Alpha’s living room. It was nine o’clock Monday morning, time for the weekly enforcer meeting and he wore a silly grin on his face. The type of grin that said a man was happy- happy and satisfied with his life.

After Dava was off to school, his mate surprised him with some special loving of her own. In two seconds flat, he had the kitchen table cleared and her propped on top of it. They feasted on each other like two lovers being together for the first time. Needless to say, they both walked away this morning fully sated and extremely content.

“Good morning.” Toby walked in and smirked when he saw Jared’s grin. There were many mornings when he came to work with that same shit-eating grin on his face. A mate that you were totally, irrevocably in love with tended to be able to put that type of enviable expression on a man’s face every time. With the grin on his lips and the gleam in his eye, he had no doubt about what Jared had been up to this morning because he had been doing the same exact thing with his own mate.

Toby and Jared became fast friends in elementary school and even back then, they always had each other’s back. Next to Jared, Toby was the best enforcer that the Morningstar Pack had. The two of them put together were a force to be reckoned with.

“Good morning,” Jared replied back, taking a seat in the high back chair near the window. He crossed his legs out in front of him looking mighty comfortable in his seat and looked over at his friend. “Have you heard anything new for this week?”

Toby joined him, taking the seat beside of him. He leaned back and kicked his feet out. “Nope, not really. Last I heard all is safe on the home front.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear,” Jared commented. “I do so love these peaceful times. With this being Dava’s last year of high school, I really hope that all stays that way too. I want to be here for all of it- the college process, senior portraits, prom.... I don’t want to miss any of it.”

Toby stared over at him. “I feel ya. I feel the same with Lorraine. Her birthday is next week and I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that she is going to be eighteen.”

Jared shook his head and laughed. “Oh man, don’t remind me. Dava’s is next month. I can only deal with one thing at a time brother, one thing at a time.”

Several other enforcers began to stroll in. Both Toby and Jared, nodded and exchanged hellos. When everyone went to their own private corners, Toby turned back to his friend. “Hey, you mentioned college earlier. Are you really going to let Dava leave the pack for schooling?”

Jared stared back at his friend. “Yeah, that’s what she wants.”

Toby frowned. “I’m not sure that’s the safest thing for a young femme wolf, especially an un-mated one. I mean, I wouldn’t let my Lorraine go out like that. Aren’t you concerned for her safety?”

Jared was taken aback by the question. “Of course I am,” he said defensively, “But she wants a chance to get out there and experience life. She has promised to come back to the pack after graduation and mate whomever Samantha and I seem fit for her, unless she finds her true mate in the meantime.”

This time it was Toby who shook his head. “I don’t know man. Lorraine was invited to a dinner with the Alpha and his son this afternoon. Word is, since his son was back home, he is looking to get him mated. And I got to be honest, I think I would rather Lorraine be mated too. Most kids their age are getting mated anyways. It’s just safer these days. Too many rogues out there, running around, stealing our females and using them for their own.” He nudged his shoulder. “Hell Jared, you know this shit. Think about what you're doing and what all could happen to Dava if you let her go. She’s a sweet kid and I’d hate for her to end up as just another statistic.”

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