Chapter 30 (Part 2 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Edited by: LadyDawn

Chapter 30 (Part 2 of 2)

Adam didn’t think about his next move, he just reacted.  He saw the angry rogue going for Logan’s throat and he lunged, determined to stop the inevitable.

But sometimes it just doesn’t matter how determined you are; the inevitable happens and there’s nothing that you can do about it.

Coasting in mid-air, Adam howled out loud when the bite of sharp teeth sank deep into his flank, sending him crashing hard to the ground.  Working on instinct, he rolled his big body underneath his attacker, loosening the grip from the jaws of hell and came back up on all fours. 

Blood flowed freely from his backside as Adam quickly rounded on his attacker.  Arching his back, he bared his sharp canine teeth and growled deep in his throat in warning. 

Staring at his opponent his vision tinted bright crimson red.  His alpha wolf took over and all that he could think about was devouring every drop of blood that ran through the rogue standing in front of him.

He lifted his head, taunting him with opening of his neck and daring the rogue to make the first move.

The rogue was cocky and running off the strength of Adam’s alpha blood.  Springing forward, a powerful dark mountain of fur he charged in his direction.

Standing tall, Adam planted his werewolf body and didn’t move a muscle, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Just seconds before the rogue attempted to sink his teeth into his neck; Adam made his move and darted swiftly to the side. 

The rogue wolf overshot his target and stumbled over his own paws.  Before he could turn around, Adam surged ahead, rushing the unsuspecting wolf and taking him easily to the ground.

Opening his jaws wide, he sunk his teeth into the back of his neck and bit down hard, ripping through fur, skin and muscle until he felt the hard crunch of bone. 

The rogue let out a short pained cry and then his body went limp. 

The alpha in Adam wasn’t appeased with the short battle and refused to let go of his prey. 

He jerked his mouth, ripping a large hunk of muscle from the bone and then sank his teeth into the still wolf’s throat again.  Gorging on his blood, he continued the ritual, ripping the rogue apart, limb from limb. 


Rafe prowled around in his wolf form and could smell the blood thick in the air.  He heard the howls of his fellow wolves, his pack calling out to him in the distance.

But right now all he could think about was Dava safety. He had to make sure that she was okay.

Running through the trees his single minded focus was on finding her when he first felt the barrier slip in his mind.  It was slow and hesitant at first but then he felt her presence taking up sentry through their link the same way she had done so many times in the past.


He bumbled over a rock before coming to a complete halt.

Her pain, both physical and emotional, hit him square in the chest.


She called out to him, her voice weak and shaky.  Feelings that he couldn’t suppress after spending years with this woman in his life and in his bed rose to the forefront. 

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