Chapter 32 (Part 1 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Edited by: LadyDawn

Chapter 32 (Part 1)

Jason jerked his head toward the meadow.  It was all clear and he wanted both of the women in front of him just in case a rogue decided to get frisky and attack them from behind.

His hands clenched into tight fists at his side.  The second they left the safe house the hairs on the back of his neck stood up like straight pins.  They shouldn't be out here.  Not during an attack.  Common sense told him that much and for the twentieth time since they set out he silently cursed himself for letting the females talk him into this suicide mission in the first place. 

What he should have done was put his foot down and told both of them that no one was going outside until they were given the all clear. 

But then he looked at his twin.  Really looked at her and there had been this look in Dava's eyes.  A determined look that scared the living hell out of him and he had a bad feeling that no matter what he said, she was going after her mate with or without him.

And after everything that he'd recently learned about their past there was no way he was about to let her go alone.

Blake on the other hand, she was a different story all together.  Every instinct he had screamed at him to keep her safe at all costs.  If it was up to him, he would have locked her in a closet just to keep her out of danger.  But she wasn't that kind of female.  She wouldn’t be kept like that.  If he tried to chain her, he had no doubts he would end up losing her when it was all said and done and that was not an option. 

Either way, he was damned if he did, damned if he didn't.  Hence the screwed up situation they were all in now.

Blake blew out a frustrated breath as she filed in behind Dava.  This skulking around in the dark was for the birds.  She wanted to be where the action was.  She wanted to fight alongside of her pack. 

This was so stupid.  Adam was a strong alpha.  If he was in trouble, he’d find a way to come out on top because that’s what alpha males did.  They won.  Adam would win and when he did, she planned on taking advantage and claiming him as her rightful mate.  The freaky twins be damned.  They could both go back where they came from for all she cared.

Jason reached out and grabbed Blake’s arm, pulling her to a sudden stop and startling her.  “Can you please try to be a little quieter?” he snapped.  “You’ll have half the rogues alerted to our presence with those heavy feet of yours if you don’t watch it.”

“I am being quiet,” she claimed and jerked her arm out of his hold. “Why don’t you try to keep your hands to yourself?”

Dava stopped and spun around, the orbs around her eyes luminous, giving off an eerie golden color.  “For the goddess sake, both of you stop it.  You’re like two children that can’t get enough of each other.  Grow up already.  We’re under attack and the two of you are in a pissing match with each other. Don’t you realize that we’re all supposed to be on the same team here?”

Jason had the good sense to look chagrinned and Blake simply sneered. 

Dava clenched her teeth and turned around.  She didn’t have time to play referee.  The draw to her mate was growing stronger with every step that she took her wolf was more anxious to get to him.  Something was wrong, she knew it.  She could feel it deep in her bones.

“Stop,” Jason suddenly ordered in a harsh whisper.

Dava tensed when she heard an engine crank up in the distance. Raising her head she picked up a hint of blood in the air.  It wasn’t just anyone’s blood either.  It was her mate’s blood.  She knew that scent because not so long ago she was being fed his blood when he was trying to save her life.

Then it was like a switch suddenly switched off.  Everything around her, voices, sights, phased out.  Her only focus was on that single scent and where it was coming from.

Angling her head to the east, she raised her head to the sky and breathed in deeply.  The scent was stronger in that direction.  Ignoring everyone and everything around her, she switched gears and darted off.  

“Shit!” Jason cursed, watching her shift in mid-air.  “Dava! Stop!”

“You know she’s crazy, right?” Blake spoke up.

“She’s my sister,” he said, quickly kicking off his shoes.  “She’s not crazy, she’s in love and she’s going to end up getting herself killed if I don’t stop her.  Her wolf’s acting on instinct.” He looked Blake over and then nodded in her direction.  “Hurry up and strip.  We’re going to need to shift fast.  I can’t let her go alone.”

Blake snorted out loud.  “I don’t know who you think died and made you God, but I’m not about to strip down just because you said so.”

Jason tore off his shirt, revealing his bare naked chest.  If she’d been smart then she would have looked the other way, but she didn’t.  Now she couldn’t take her eyes off his nicely defined chest. 

“Don’t make me come undress you, mate.” He warned, dragging his zipper down and pushing his pants off his hips.  “I have no qualms with ripping that shirt from your body and seeing you in your natural state.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

He raised his brows in challenge.  “What do you really think?”

“Damn it!” she grabbed the hem of her shirt and jerked it over her head.  “I hope you know that I hate you!”

“Hate is a strong emotion.  Some say it goes hand in hand with love and passion.”  He took a step closer in her direction, leaving little to no space between them. 

She held her breath, completely enthralled by his presence.  His scent called to Blake like no other and it didn’t escape her that he was completely nude and from the looks of it, highly aroused.  

“I’m thinking that’s describes us perfectly.” He reached out and grabbed a lock of her silken hair, wrapping it around his finger and bringing it up to his nose as he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He then opened his eyes, the bright orbs of his wolf burning through the darkness of the night.  He flashed her a smile, all white teeth and then released her hair, taking a small step back.  “Metaphorically speaking of course.”

She shook her head, getting rid of the sudden enchantment brought on by his nearness. This was not going to happen.  Fate or not, she refused to mate with this jerk.  “Goddess, you’re an ass.”

“The good news babe, I’m all your ass.  Now, as much as I’d like to sit here and go back and forth with you, my sister is out there and in danger.  Are you going to shift or do you need my help.”

“Fine,” she snapped, pulling her shirt from her body.  “But know this ass hole.  I’ll shift but not because you told me to.  The only reason I’m doing this at all is because we need to find Adam.  I could care less about your bitch of a sister.”

“I could care less what you think,” he said arrogantly, "as long as you do as i say so I can keep you safe." 

She rolled her eyes and proceeded to take off her clotes.  Jason didn't bother to reply and instead he spun around on his heels and instantly shifted into his large wolf form. 

His mate was quite the piece of work, his wolf silently decided but nothing he couldn’t deal with.  Actually, through to himself, taming the female would be rather enjoyable.

Blake was now on four legs and staring at him, waiting for his command. Satisfied that she obeyed him he lumbered off, following his sisters lingering trail. He turned around only once to make sure that she was still following him obediently and once he was satisfied she was doing his bidding, he turned his focus more to the task at hand. Keeping his sister safe and finding his alpha.  Once those two objectives were completed, he'd deal with his ornery mate.

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