Chapter 10

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“Alpha Mine”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 10

Rafe stood outside on the porch, his hands covering the railing in a tight white knuckled grip and stared off into the distance. There were hundreds of things in front of him but yet he saw nothing. All he could think about was a certain blond head beauty and his son.

The sound of the wood splintering underneath his grip brought Rafe back to the here and now. Releasing the railing, he took a step back, squeezed his eyes tightly closed and forced himself to breathe out slowly through his nose.

He had to get a hold of himself.

He was the Alpha of a large Pack and right now he was acting like a crazed lone wolf. He was thinking with his instincts rather than his head and that was a recipe for certain disaster.

After his argument with Tayla, Rafe had left the house and went for a two hour run. He had hoped that the run would help clear his head but now that he was back, he felt just as volatile as he did when he first left.

He hated feeling like this. He hated arguing with his wife and he hated this feeling of resentment towards his son that was simmering inside of him. Dava was supposed to have been his mate.

Yes, he had rejected because he already had a mate but still….

Fate had chosen him first. If he couldn’t have her, there was no way in hell that he could let Adam have her. He also knew that there was no way that he could sit idly by and watch the two of them be happy together; touching each other, having his grandchildren all the while leading the next generation of their pack into the next decade. It was just too much.

Rafe dropped his head. He felt sick to his stomach. Even as he went through the arguments in his head, he alone was able to rationalize how hypocritical he sounded.

He had a mate. Tayla and he loved her very much.

He told himself that Adam deserved to find his happiness with his true mate but the beast that resided inside of him railed at the mere idea of a mating between them.

They were all in a no-win situation no matter what angle you looked at it from.

He had come up with the best solution that he could- the only solution that he could live with. Blake and Adam would be mated. That was the only way. He would find a suitable mate for Dava in another pack and then she would be gone.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Rafe grunted. Yeah right!

He knew that he was just fooling himself. He had a feeling that long after she mated, the little blond haired beauty would always have a place in his mind. He couldn’t help but to care for her because she had been fated to be his true mate. It was all a part of his genetic make-up to want to make sure that she was well taken care of. That was something that he couldn’t fight, not even if he had wanted to.

As long as she was mated to anyone but Adam, the fruit of his own loins, he knew that he could find a way to deal with it. It would be hard but with Tayla at his side and Dava in another pack, he could handle it. He was sure of it.

Rafe had already thought of a perfect candidate for Dava. Knox Broaken with the Wanshee Pack out in California. He graduated high school last year at the top of his class and was already being groomed as the next Beta for his pack. He was strong and smart and showed all kinds of promise at last summer’s supernatural festival.

Knox would not only be a good match for Dava, he had the added benefit of living hundreds of miles away from both him and Adam. More like the other side of the country. With her gone, the two of them could finally get back to what mattered the most.

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