Chapter 26 (Part 1 of 2)

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A/N** Heads up... this is a sexual scene and I pushed to keep if PG-13... I hope I did okay with that by focusing more on feelings and staying away from certain words.  I'm breaking up this chapter into two parts for those readers who are sensitive to this type of material and would rather not read this part of the chapter.  Look for Part 2 coming later today.....

“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Edited By: LadyDawn

Chapter 26 (Part 1)

Adam cradled her face in the palm of his hands.  Leaning in, he languidly licked her bottom lip. Dava's eyes slowly shuddered closed and he started to nibble sweetly at her bow tie mouth.  Slowly drawing her tongue between his lips he began to suck on it, urging her to do the same to him.

“You smell so good,” he whispered against her lips.  He rubbed his nose along her jaw line and his chest rumbled with pure pleasure.

She felt that sexy rumble from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. Dava trembled in his arms and simultaneously arched her back, wanting; no, needing to get even closer to him.

“You,” he said, bringing his mouth back to hers, “taste exquisite.” To prove his point, he dipped his head and lightly touched his lips to hers. Sipping.  Tasting.  Drinking her in.

Raising his head he stared into her glazed eyes.  “Your kisses are addictive, sweetheart.  I can’t get enough of them. You,” he kissed her again and then pulled back to touch her cheek, “completely undo me.”                                            

“So kiss me again…” Her breath hitched when his tongue rasped over her slender neck and his canines grazed over the tiny pulse point beating wildly out of control.

It felt so good, Dava thought to herself.  Every touch, every lick, every mind numbing kiss.  She couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

He smoothed his hand down her back, his fingers cupping the rounded curve of her backside as her hot little mouth found his nipple beneath his shirt.

Adam sucked in a deep breath. Her small perfect teeth were driving him insane.  He could feel the warm wetness of her sweet little mouth through the thin material of his tee shirt.  Her hot hands feverishly worked their way underneath his shirt until she was touching his bare skin.

Adam closed his eyes, fought his own raging desire to take her hard and fast and gave her the freedom to explore him.  He focused on savoring her touch.  The feelings she incited were so intense, so out of control that he was barely hanging on by a thread.

“Bite me.” She whispered.

Adams head jerked back at her request.  A small whimper escaped her mouth as she continued to rub herself against him. 

Swallowing hard, he sat up and grabbed the hem of her shirt.  Working quickly, he divested her of the offending material.  He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that she didn’t wear a bra. 

Dava whimpered in need again.  “Adam… please, do something.”

Leaning forward, he gripped the hard, puckered tip of her nipple with his teeth and sucked hard.  He felt her fingertips digging into his back and reveled in the sting of her mark on his skin.

This was a first for Adam.  He’d purposely saved himself for his mate, wanting this joining to be so special.  He’d never even thought about being with another woman like this.  Sure, he’d kissed women, even fondled them a little but this… that actual joining of two bodies was a first for him.  His natural instincts started to take over.

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