Chapter 28 (Part 1)

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“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Edited by LadyDawn

Chapter 28 (Part 1 of 2)


Sitting up on the edge of the bed, Tayla stared down at her true mate. He was so beautiful. His dark flaming red hair contrasted sharply as it fanned out across the white pillow his head lay upon. His grassy  green eyes were closed and a hint of smile formed at the corners of his lips.

She couldn’t help but to smile too.

For hours Dylan masterfully played her body in a way that left it singing a glorious melody. He knew all the right ways to touch her, kiss her... to seduce her.

And now he owned her. He had claimed both her body and soul with such fierce intensity and unbridled passion that for a second there she wasn’t even sure she would be able to survive it.

But she did survive. Dylan made sure of it. He coaxed her through the roller coaster of sensations and urged her to join him on a plane of pleasure that she’d never experienced nor would she ever forget.

It had never been like that with Rafe.


Looking away, she tried to feel something for the man she had been mated to for a little over two decades. The same man that she had shared her bed with night after night. Month after month. Year after year.

The very same man who had fathered her only son.

And she couldn’t.

She couldn’t drum up any sort of feelings for the man that had once been the center of her entire life.

It was almost as if he never existed.  

If it wasn’t for her own memories of the life they once shared together then he wouldn’t exist.  Not to her anyways.  

“Why the long face, beautiful?”

Hearing Dylan’s deeply accented voice startled Tayla. She jumped and whirled around so fast that she almost fell off the bed.  If Dylan hadn’t reached out and grabbed her arm, steadying her, she would likely be staring up at him from the floor right now instead of sitting by his side.

Feeling a little like a kid who’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar she stared down at her lap and twisted her fingers together.  It hadn’t even been an hour since Dylan had claimed her and she was already thinking of him.  

“Eh, it’s nothing,” she mumbled.    

Tucking his hand under her chin, Dylan brought up her face so she was looking him in the eyes.  “It sure looks like something,” he replied gently.  “We’re mates now.  Nothing will ever come between us.  I won’t let it.  You can tell me what’s bothering you.”

She shook her head. She didn’t want to tell him. It wasn’t that Rafe was coming in between them, she just couldn’t understand how a man that had been such an important part of her life for so long could mean so little to her now.  It didn’t make sense to her.

“Beauty, I can see the thoughts rolling over in your head.  Talk to me, please.”

Dylan was still holding her chin, searching her face. He was persistent and when he looked at her like that, she struggled to deny him anything. She really didn’t have a choice.  She was going to have to tell him.

“It’s... just...,” she hesitated.

"It’s just what,” he asked her gently. So gently that it broke down the last barrier to her defenses.

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