Chapter 23 (Part 2 of 2)

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“Alpha Mine”

Copyright 2013 © All Rights Reserved

Edited by: LadyDawn

Chapter 23 (Part 2 of 2)

“Come in.” Rafe opened the door and walked into Canter Elderman’s home. Approaching eight hundred years of age, Canter was the head of the elder council and he alone, had the sovereign authority to issue a summons if the circumstances warranted it. As far as Rafe was concerned, his circumstances did in fact warrant that type of authority. He wanted his mate home and come hell or high water, he would bring her home.

“Alpha, this is a pleasant surprise.” Canter picked up a dish towel and wiped his hands. He’d been in the middle of fixing a salad to go with his mate’s lasagna specialty when he heard the knock on the door.

Canter was tall, his skin the color of milk chocolate. His almond shaped eyes appeared dark and his cropped hair even darker. After all these years the man barely looked a day over thirty. Walking around the edge of the counter he smiled genuinely at Rafe. “What do I owe this pleasure.”

Rafe lifted his shoulder in a careless shrug. “I’m not so sure I would call this a pleasurable visit, councilman. Actually, what I really need is your assistance.”

Canter studied the Alpha. His face looked unusually haggard. There were dark circles rimming his eyes and if the five o’clock shadow on his face was any indication, he hadn’t shaved in at least several days.

He heard about Jared’s girl and the accident; knew for a fact that half the enforcers had resurrected a search party and were out looking for her. Jared was one of the Packs top enforcers and a good friend to Rafe. It wasn’t hard to conclude that the Alpha was probably sheltering a lot of the weight about what happened to the young girl on his own shoulders.

"Well Alpha, you know that I was friends with your father for many, many years.” His eyes shuddered momentarily while he remembered something.  Seconds later he looked back at him and whispered, “may the Moon Goddess rest his soul.” Canter exhaled slowly and then continued. “Over the years I’ve watched you grow into a substantial family man and transform into a strong Pack leader. I know that your father would have been so proud of you. I’ve always supported you from the beginning and I’m not about to stop that support now. You know that I’d do about anything you ask of of me. How can I help you?”

Rafe smiled but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s not much, Councilman. I need a summons issued, that’s all.”

His eyes widened in surprise and he leaned in a little. “If that’s all then consider it done. Tell me who I’m issuing the summons for? I can have it ready for you first thing in the morning.”

“No!” Rafe replied way too quickly. This was something that he needed done now. It couldn’t wait until the morning. He needed Adam to bring Dava back on his land and the sooner, the better. It took a sheer force of will to calm himself down and look the councilman in the eyes.. “I mean, this is something I need right now. It can’t wait.”

“Okay,” Canter said carefully. “I can call on Alisha and have it printed up now. I only need one other councilman to actually issue the summons and call on the wolf in question. I think Joyce’s husband is in Canada at a continental meeting. She should be available. All I have to do is call her.”

“Good, good.” Rafe replied and took a cleansing breath. “That’s real good.”

Canter cocked his head to the side. “Are you feeling okay, Alpha?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You...,” Canter nervously shifted his stance searching for the right words. Finally, he shook his head and settled with a simple “never mind.”

Alpha MineWhere stories live. Discover now