Chapter 33, Part 1

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“Alpha Mine” 

2014 Copyright All Rights Reserved 

Chapter 33- Part 1

It hurt.  He refused to lie to himself.  Walking away from his only son while he was broken and bleeding on the floor had been the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.  And that’s saying a lot considering all the hard decisions that he’s had to make over the last few years.  Hard decisions that affected not only his family but his pack as well.  For so long he’d tried hard to do right by them, wanting what was best for not only his Pack but his family as well.  Well now he was done. He was done trying to please everyone but himself.  

All that pain he felt quickly turned into a rolling anger.  It was time to make a change.  This time Rafe didn’t think about his Pack nor did he think about his family.  This time he was taking matters into his own hands and thinking of himself for once.  It was time for him to claim his mate. 

He walked faster, his wolf teetering dangerously on the edge.  Damn it all to hell!  Why couldn’t Adam have just listened to him.  Why couldn’t he have just stayed on the path that was set out and mated with the female he had chosen for him? 

The memory of watching his son touching Dava lingered in his mind.  The possessive way he held her and then publicly claimed her as his own pricked his anger.  He had no right to do that without his Alpha’s blessing. 

Little Dava may not think of Rafe as her mate but he knew deep down the connection was still there.  He'd felt it time and time again.  He had no doubt that if he was given the chance he could persuade her sweet body otherwise.  Whether she was willing to admit it or not, she was his true mate first and that much he knew for a fact couldn’t be denied.

He picked up his pace to a swift jog, determined to find Dava and finally make her his.  She would be hurt when she learned that Adam didn't survive.  She would cry of course and he would be the shoulder for her to lean on.  He would give her time to heal her tender young heart and when the time was right, he would eventually make her forget all about his rogue son.  He was determined to connect with her so thoroughly that eventually all she'd be able to remember was the way his lips tasted when he kissed her, how  deeply he touched her when he made sweet love to her or how safe she felt when he has his arms wrapped around her delicate frame.  A year from now Adam would be no more than a aforementioned thought on the tail end of her memory. 

The sounds of the battle rang out loudly in the night the closer he moved towards the center of pack lands. He did his best to ignore the pain filled howls filling his ears.  Fellow pack members would fall on this night but there wasn't much he could do about it.  There was only one wolf that concerned him and until he was able to appease his own wolf and know for certain that she was safe, no one else even mattered.

If the pack followed protocol then they would have moved the females and the children to the safe house by now.  He knew Jared well enough to know that his first priority would have been to make she that his mate and Dava was sent with the other's.  That's where Rafe was headed.


Aiden in wolf form, bit down hard, his incisors slicing through muscles and tendon as he severed the head from another rogue.  It was his seventh kill and they were still coming out of the wood works. Licking the blood from his jaw he stared at the corpses around him and wondered how in the hell did so many rogues organize this proficiently and stage this massive of an attack.  It didn't make a bit of sense.  In the past, a good rogue attack consisted of maybe ten to fifteen rogues at the most.  This was more like hundreds.  They just kept coming and coning.

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