Chapter 15, Part 1

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“Alpha Mine”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 15

“Damn it! Where the hell are they? They should have been here by now!” In order to hold on to what was little bit was left of his sanity Jared had started to pace a well worn path in the floor and shoved his hand through his hair for the hundredth time in the last hour. He only stopped long enough to glare in Rafe’s direction before resuming his pacing again.

This was all his fault. Rafe was the one that he blamed for this mess. Dava would have never tried to leave the territory lines at all if he hadn’t been so selfish. If for one minute he would have thought about someone other than himself, then maybe they wouldn’t be in this predicament now. Instead she would have been at school or at home right now reading one of her beloved books and more importantly, she would be safe.

But no, she wasn’t at either of those places; only the Goddess knew for certain where his precious baby girl was right now or even what type of shape she was in. All Jared knew was that she was outside Pack lines and that she was hurt. And that the only protection she had was that of a pup that had a silver spoon hanging out of his mouth and probably couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. In his book, that was unacceptable.

For all these years it was obvious that the Alpha had cared only about himself. That was why his daughter and been excluded from so many of the Pack activities. It was happening right up under his own nose and he still couldn’t put one plus one together in order to see what was really happening. It wasn’t a turned issue or an original issue; it was because the Alpha couldn’t deal with the reality of the situation. His way of solving the problem was ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and damn the person that he hurt in the process.

Jared growled low in his throat. He was far past the point of being angry. Both he and his wolf were downright pissed off. His claws itched to tear into the Alpha’s throat and bathe in the aftermath of his blood.

But now wasn’t the time for that. Right now he needed to focus on his daughter and how to find her. Reminding himself that Dava was the priority here, she was the one that he needed to concentrate on helped him restrain himself- barely.

But standing there and doing nothing left a freeway for his thoughts to zoom down. His sweet Dava suffered for so long because the Alpha couldn’t handle the truth and now she was the one that was possibly paying the ultimate price- her life. If anything happened to her he swore to himself right then and there that he would be the one to kill the son of a bitch.

“Calm down, Jared.” He felt Samantha curl her hands over his shoulders and press her body flush against his back. Some of the tension that had been riding him hard over the last few hours slowly leaked out of him. When his mate laid her had against his shoulder, he actually sighed. In a voice that he was sure was meant to soothe she continued to try and assure him. “Adam and Logan are good boys. You trained Logan yourself. They’ll be here. I’m sure there is a good reason for them to be running so late. Give them time.”

But Jared was having none of it. He started to shake his head. His mate didn’t know the whole truth and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to tell her that truth either. It was hard enough for him to accept. How would she react if she knew that the reason their daughter had been shunned all her life was because the Alpha was her true mate? And if that wasn’t enough, he refused to let his own son mate with her either. He acted like she wasn’t good enough for any them when in truth, his Dava was better than all of them put together.

Which was precisely the reason that Jared made the decision to pack up his family and go somewhere that his Dava could be appreciated and loved for who she is. He would go to his mothers pack which was about 150 miles west of where they were now. He was a damn good Enforcer so gaining acceptance to the Pack wouldn’t be a problem. With the increase of the rogue outbreaks though, he just had to make sure that Dava was healthy enough to travel before they moved. If there were to come under attack he wanted to feel confident enough that she could run if needed.

Shaking his head, Jared glanced back down at his watch and his temper flared again. “Give them time?” Fighting for control he pulled away from Samantha’s embrace and bared his teeth in Rafe’s direction. “It’s been hours,” he snarled. “They should have been here by now. My daughter is out there broken and bleeding and I trusted that pup of yours to bring her back here; back to her family where she belongs.”

Rafe pressed his hand to his forehead. The headache he had was turning into one monster of a migraine. He was really trying his best to remain calm but Jared was sorely pushing his limits. It was clear to him now that he made a big mistake when he put that son of his in boarding school. He has no respect for authority and in less than a week of being home, he was already challenging him.

And now this. This latest stunt was the last straw. First he dared to share his blood with his mate. Now, he runs off with her and thinks he can hide from him. It wasn’t going to happen. No way! No how!

Adam was his son. Dava was his mate, whether he accepted her not didn’t matter. She belonged to him. It was high time that he put that pup of his in his place.

Rafe stood up from his seat and started for the door.

“Hey!” Jared called out commandingly. “Where the hell do you think your going?”

Being the Alpha Rafe didn’t owe anyone an explanation and for a second he actually debated on ignoring his friend and just walking out the door to do what he needed to do. This was between him and his son only. No one else.

“Hey!” Jared screamed again. “I’m talking to you.” And this time he was coming after him.

Rafe stopped just inside the door and turned to face Jared. His eyes glowed with primal hunger. He felt his canines punctuating his gums and let the wolf speak for him. “Hunting,” he growled. “I’m going hunting.”

Jared froze and stared blankly at his Alpha, unable to formulate any sort of audible speech. The Alpha wolf had spoken and his own wolf cowered underneath the weight of his power.

Rafe, turned back around and pushed open the door, steeped outside and breathed in deeply. The time for games was over. He wasn’t playing with his whelp anymore. Now, well, now the real fun begins.

A/N** First off guys, I just wanted to apologize for my prolonged leave of absence. I need a break and it turned into a month long break. I’m just now getting back into the swing of writing and I’ve narrowed my focus to finish a few stories at a time, this being one of them. For those of you that are still following the story I still have quite a few tricks to pull out of my sleeve on this one so I hope the wait will be worth it in the end. Also, look for more regular uploads… My goal is at least two a week on this story if not more.

As you may have noticed, this is only half of the chapter. I’ll work on Part 2 tonight after I pick up my oldest son from school. It’s coming home for Fall break and I’m excited to see him again. The second half of the chapter will include some Logan/Adam and of course Dava action. Up to this point, I’ve worked on sketching out the story outline and leading events, now I’m hoping to build up Dava’s character.

As always, thank you for your comments and notes of encouragement.

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