Chapter 33, Part 2

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"Alpha Mine"


Chapter 33, Part 2

Adam slowly opened his eyes, his mind struggling to muddle through what he could only describe as a thick heavy fog.  At first he was thoroughly confused, not at all familiar with his surroundings. It wasn’t until several agonizing seconds took their sweet time ticking by before broken pieces of his memory finally began to resurface.

“Damn,” he cursed, slowly trying to sit up.  His whole body felt like it had been put through a shredder.  Something in his head pounded away at his skull like a jackhammer and a there was sharp ache pulsing like a real live heartbeat in his side.  It took all he had in him just to wince.  

What the hell had happened to him?  

He remembered the call of the surprise attack on his Pack and the chaos that ensued.  He also clearly remembered sending Dava to the safe house.  After that he fought one of the rogues and won, like there was ever any question.  But afterwards he struggled to remember what happened. He thought he remembered seeing Logan struggling with his opponent but then that was it.

That’s where the memories stopped or rather everything in his mind just goes blank.  It was like he’d hit a mental roadblock and couldn’t recall anything else that happened up until a few seconds ago when he woke up.  

And that was just strange. Damn strange. Adam wasn’t stupid.  He knew there had to be more to it than that. But what?  What else happened and where in the hell was he?

Forcing himself to stand on shaky legs, Adam slowly began to take in his surroundings. It didn't take him long to realize one thing-that he was alone.

Completely and utterly alone.

Everywhere he looked around him, a blanket of stark blackness reigned. There was no sound.  No light.  No nothing.

Using the palm of his hand he pressed down against the pulsing pain in his side and frowned. Something just wasn’t quite adding up.  The eerie silence encumbering his dulled senses was strangely deafening.  It wasn’t like this before, during the battle.  

When he was fighting, he was easily able to sense everything that was going on around him.  The screams of battle filling the night and the scent of freshly spilled blood saturating the air.  He could even physically feel the mounting tension between the members of his own pack and the rogues all the way down deep into his bones. Everything seemed fast, furious and overwhelming all at once.

But now…there was nothing.  He couldn’t hear, feel or see a single thing other than this cold sense of bleak emptiness.

It was like he’d entered the twilight zone or something.  

It wasn’t normal.  None of this was normal especially when the last thing he could remember was the intense heat of battle.  

Standing up taller despite the throbbing pain in his side, Adam crossed room looking for Logan. He'd been right there by his side during the entire fight.  He hadn't even had to look for him. He just felt that he was there and knew he’d have his back. People just didn’t disappear.  He had to be around here somewhere, right?  

“Logan?” he called out his name tentatively at first.  

No answer.

Where was he?

He wasn’t going crazy.  No, he couldn’t be.  He’d just mated with his sweet Dava and their situation was complicated as hell but he knew he wasn’t going crazy.  He couldn’t be, could he?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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