Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dava sat down at the base of her favorite shade tree. She thought lunchtime would never get here. She managed to get through the boring rigors of the first part of the day, sitting in classes, listening to the teachers go on and on about what was expected of her as if she hadn’t already been through this for twelve years in a row now. Come on, they were seniors; if they didn’t know how to act in a class room by now, then there was a serious problem.

Pulling her book bag around her, she crossed her legs Indian style and opened it up. Reaching in, she pulled out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she made the night before and her newest book, “The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks. Lounging back against the time roughened bark; she took a bite of her sandwich and flipped open her book to the first page.

This was the life, she thought contentedly to herself. The weather was warm, the sun was shining, she could smell the scent of fresh cut grass and she had a book in her hand. If she could, she would stay outside all day long instead of going back into that box of a school to learn calculus which she could pretty much guarantee that she would never in her life use again.

Dava took another bite of her sandwich and slowly chewed, savoring the sweet and salty taste. She read the first page and readily flipped over to the next. She got comfortable, settling in for the duration of her lunch hour. At least she had this forty-five minutes to herself.

“What ya got there beautiful?”

Dava startled at the intruders voice. She fumbled her book and dropped her sandwich on the ground. She hadn’t expected anyone to come up on her at her special place. And why should she? For the last three years no one had ever bothered her before.

Jason hid his grin from her. She was just so damn cute when she was flustered like this. “Ah love, sorry about scaring you like that.” He bent down and picked up her book, handing it back to her. “I should have announced my presence before I walked up on you.”

Dava accepted her book, murmured a quick “thank you,” and averted her gaze. The moment that she heard his voice, she knew exactly who he was. Jason Loy. She knew that he was an original and wondered why in the hell he was out here, talking to her instead of inside with the rest of the in-crowd.

Not daring to look up at him, she picked up her sodden sandwich and tossed it back into the brown paper bag she had. She could hear his heart thudding in his chest and literally feel his eyes raking over her.

Jason knelt down beside of her. The scent of oranges tickled his nose. “Dava?” He pushed, “I get the feeling that you are trying to avoid me. Is this true? Are you trying to avoid me?”

“No,” she shook her head and swallowed hard, the walls of her throat feeling invariably thin. “I was just wondering why you are out here with me, instead of inside with your other friends.”

“Dava,” he coaxed again, “Why don't you turn that pretty little head of yours around here so I can see your beautiful face.”

She stiffened, beginning to get really uncomfortable with where this conversation was going. Was this guy for real? No original with good blood would dare say anything like that to the likes of her unless they only wanted one thing. And she wasn’t about to get on that crazy train. “I’d rather not,” she told him, keeping her tone soft so that he wouldn’t take offence to her rejection.

Jason wasn’t deterred in the least. He was actually more intrigued with the fact that she wasn’t what he liked to think of as easy. That within itself, made her worthy enough to be his mate. He didn’t care that she was a turned, she was beautiful and he wanted her. And he swore by the Moon Goddess, he would have her before this year was up.

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