5~ Un-Dead

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"No, no. You're dead. I buried you- your name is etched on a- on a rock. No- I watched you die. You're- this isn't real. Or did I die?" Steve was crying and could hardly finish his sentence. Eddie realized how tense Steve was, and pulled him into a quick hug. "I know, this is scary. But I'm here now with you." At first Steve held on to Eddie for dear life, but his confused emotions snapped into anger. Steve pushed Eddie away, making the slightly taller male fall to the ground. "No! I cried for months over, and over, and over again! For what?! Honestly Eddie what is this?! You are supposed to be dead! I buried you, Dustin cried so hard that he threw up multiple times, Mike skipped school and failed because of how sad he was! And for what, huh?! For you to be alive! No the Eddie I knew loved and cared about his friends, he didn't sit around and let them cry and- and sob for hours over something that wasn't real! The Eddie I knew didn't lie! The Eddie I knew-" Eddie threw a hand over Steve's mouth, they were only inches apart. Steve saw how pale Eddie's skin was, and the dark circles under Eddie's eyes. Steve noticed how cold Eddie's hands were, they genuinely felt like ice. "Can you let me explain?" Steve nodded backing away from Eddie and sitting on a rock, the same one Eddie sat on when he was hiding from the police.

"So, let me just start by saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not coming to you earlier. I did die, technically I still am dead. At my funeral, I think, I woke up? But I felt different, I didn't feel alive. When you came up to the casket, I couldn't help but grin. I couldn't wait to tell you! By the way, you stood there for like fifteen minutes. Anyway later that night when you were 'burying' me, you took a short bathroom break right after I was lowered in. I took that as my opportunity, I snuck out of my coffin and hid behind a wall. But when I saw you again, I felt something." Eddie took a second to collect his thoughts, he placed a hand on Steve's knee then continued. "I felt an urge to kill you." Eddie watched as Steve slightly jumped at the words. "So I ran, I ran as far away as I could. I was faster than before, and stronger. I started piecing things together, my urges, my strength, my speed." Steve started to catch on, Eddie had been killed by bats, but what if they weren't just bats? "You're a vampire?" Eddie nodded, "Yeah, I had to learn how to control myself around people. So for the past few months I've been out of town. But I'm back now!" Steve was in disbelief, vampires aren't real right? "Look I don't wanna be rude, but I have a movie to catch, and Robin's probably worried-" "Take me with you?"

After a bit of back and forth arguing, Steve decided to let Eddie come with him. "I swear to god if you try to kill either of us, I will come back just to put a stake through your heart."

The walk back to the car was calmer than Eddie intended. "Do people not see the dead man walking?" Steve slapped Eddie on the back of his head. "No one knows." Steve whispered back.

"Sit in the back." Steve and Eddie slid into the car simultaneously. "Jesus Steve, it took you long enough!" Robin yelled once Steve was fully in the car. She realized the third present and slowly turned around. "What the fuck?! Eddie?! You're dead-''''We'll explain later, can we please just watch the movie?" Robin looked at Steve then back at Eddie. "Yeah, sure I guess."

Un-Dead {Steddie} (discontinued!!)Where stories live. Discover now