19~ Familiar 

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*knock knock knock* Eddie pulled his hand away from the door. A sound of a dog barking could be heard from the inside of the trailer, and for a split second Eddie thought he was at the wrong place. "Hold on, I'm coming." This was it. The door shot open and there stood his uncle and a small french bulldog next to him. "Uncle Wayne?" Eddie had tears in his eyes, he was so happy. Words couldn't even describe this feeling. "Edward? But... where's your shirt?" They both did that cry laugh for a moment then embraced each other in a hug that lasted a life time. Wayne had preyed for this day for a long time, he was sure he was dreaming.  "Come in come in." They walked in and Wayne went to another room while Steve and Eddie sat in the couch. The little dog came over and jumped onto Eddie. "Hi baby. Whats its name?" "Her name is Lenora, Lenni for short." Wayne said walking back in, he got a good look at the boys. "I need an explanation. How are you alive, why are you shirtless, and why do you have blood all over you?"

After an hour of explaining and answering questions they never thought they would be asked, the room fell silent. Lenni had fallen asleep on Eddie's lap, and Eddie kept stealing glances at Steve. He felt so dumb for asking to kiss him. He outed himself to Steve Harrington of all people. Eddie wasn't sure what Steve would do with this information, we he going to tell people or act like it never happened. Eddie wanted to crawl in a hole and die. "So Eddie was gonna ask you something." Wayne and Steve look over at Eddie who was staring off into nothingness petting Lenni. He looked over at Steve, and Steve glanced down to his shirt. "Oh uh can you run down to the store and buy us some clothes, i have money if you need it." "No it's fine. I needed an excuse to go to the store anyway. You guys just sit tight. Glad you're back." Wayne patted Eddie on the shoulder, grabbed his keys, and left.

Silence fell again. Steve moved his hand over to pet Lenni. She was soft and looked to only be a few months old. Eddie leaned back and stretched his arms behind his head and let them set on the back of the couch. Steve picked up Lenni and put her on the ground, Eddie looked down and saw Steve moving. Steve scooted around when he was finally comfortable he laid down, his head falling on Eddie's lap. "Could you play with my hair like you did in the car?" Eddie felt a small smile creep on his face, and he quickly obliged. He moved his hand down and ran it through Steve hair. His hair was soft and silky, the only way Eddie could describe was elysian. Steve closed his eyes and leaned closer to Eddie. "Do you mind if we stay like this for a while?" Eddie nodded "As long as you want." And they did. Steve fell asleep after thirty-ish minutes, and Lenni joined them again. Eddie felt his eyes grow heavy, he decided to rest his eyes which ultimately led to him falling asleep.

Steve slowly opened his eyes, the sound of a phone ringing woke him. He got up from where he was on the couch, and scurried over to the phone. "Hello?" Steve waited for a second, "Hello, Steve? It's Wayne. Im using some old pay phone outside of Kmart. I just need to know what size clothes i should buy." "Like Large for me and probably the same for Eddie" "Alright thank you, I'll see you boys later." Steve hung up the phone and walked over to the kitchen. He peered into the fridge looking for something to clinch his thirst. All they had was beer and milk. Steve sighed and grabbed a cup filling it with tap water. He drank all of it setting the empty glass in the sink. He walked back to the couch and sat down next to a snoring Eddie, and rested his on Eddie's shoulder. Eventually falling back to sleep.

Lazy chapter 😭

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