7~ Roommates

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"Sorry, Robin feels really bad-" Steve walked into his room but stopped in his tracks when he saw Eddie sitting on the floor with his back pressed against the wall, crying. "Eddie? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Steve kneeled down to Eddie's level, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Eddie, please talk to me." Slowly Eddie met Steve's eyes. Tears still fell down his face and his breath was shaky. "Eddie, it's alright. What happened? If it's about what Robin said, she's sorry. She didn't mean it like that." Eddie slightly shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm making a big deal out of nothing." Eddie got up, he wasn't crying anymore, he slid past Steve and walked to the bathroom.

Eddie looked into the mirror, he splashed water on his face watching dirty water fall into the sink. Once all the dirt was gone, he looked back into the mirror. He didn't look as bad, but still inferior to how he once was. He saw how baggy his clothes had become, they were practically falling off of him. "Eddie?" He heard Steve outside of the door, followed by three gentle knocks. Eddie opened the door with a painfully fake smile plastered on his face. "Yes Stevie?" Eddie put on a teasing tone. Steve's face softened, he put his hand on Eddie's arm, softly rubbing circles on Eddie's shoulder with his thumb. "Are you sure your alright?" Eddie put his hand on Steves before flashing a smile. "Never better."

"How about we get some food." Eddie looked at Steve with a bit of fright in his eyes. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." Steve gave Eddie a look of confusion. "Why not, we didn't tell anyone about y'know. You dying." Eddie sat next to Steve on the couch laying his head back. "From what I know, I'm still a wanted murder." Steve had forgotten about all of that, about Chrissy and Fred. "Right. Hoppers back maybe I can get him to clear your name." Eddie shook his head. "It's fine, I don't really mind." The conversation died down, and a key rattling could be heard at the front door. "Eddie go hide in my room, now!" Eddie got up and ran into Steve's room. Robin's parents didn't know about Eddie's death, but it would be weird if some random person was in your house. "We're home!" Robin and Steve greeted their parents at the front door. "How have you two been?" They both responded with 'fine'. "How about we go out for dinner tonight, I know it's late but I think the diner down the street is still open." Robin's mom suggested, Robin and her dad both agreed. "I'm actually really tired. Can I just stay home?" Steve let out a yawn, stretching his arms. "Yeah that's fine, want us to bring you anything?" Steve shook his head, "No I'm fine thank you."

Steve watched them leave the driveway and ran into his room. "Eddie?" Eddie peeked his head from the closet door. "Why am I in here?" Steve grabbed Eddie's arm and pulled him out of the closet. "Because, Robin's parents came home. But they're gone now, we have probably like an hour before they're back." Steve sat next to Eddie on the bed, it felt like the night Steve had gone to Eddies after Nancy dumped him. "So where are you staying?" Steve looked over at Eddie, he saw a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes. "The woods? I've kinda just been wherever." An idea popped into Steve's head almost immediately. "I can tell Robin's parents that my mom and dad are coming back early, you can stay with me!" Steve was very excited about his idea, Eddie didn't reciprocate the same emotion. "I don't know Steve..." Eddie didn't want to tell Steve the reason he was unsure, but he was scared that he would snap. "No come on man, I really don't mind." After a lot of persuasion, Eddie finally gave in. Eddie 'the freak' Munson was now officially living with Steve 'the king' Harrington.

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