18~ Puffy eyes

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Eddie placed a reassuring hand on Steve's shoulder. "She's strong, she will get through this." Steve looked over at him and they locked eyes. After a few seconds, Eddie broke the eye contact and examined Steves face. Only then did Eddie realize all the cuts and bruises that were on Steve's face. Dried blood around his lips and under his nose, a deep cut on his hair line. Eddie didn't feel anything this time, its like he completely turned it off.

"So, where do we go from here?" Eddies question lingered for a minute. "Robin's parents will be up here any minute. So we could wait for them, or..." Steve thought for a bit, there was nothing else to do. He can't go home. "I know this is a mess. I'm sorry." Eddie cupped the side of Steve's face and used his thumb to wipe some of the dry blood off his cheek. "I'll make this right. In the meantime, is there anything i could do to calm you down." Steve hadn't realized the constant shaking of his hand, or his unorganized breathing. He grabbed Eddies hand that was in his cheek and softly rubbed it. "After her parents get here, could you take me somewhere to get a change of clothes." Eddie looked at Steve's shirt, it was covered in blood. Then noticed his shirt, or lack there of. Eddie took his hand off of Steve's face in pure embarrassment. "Shit, yeah. Uh where would that be?" They couldn't go to Steve's place for obvious reasons, and Steve took all of his things there nothing remained at Robin's house. Eddie's uncle didn't know he was alive and even if they went to Eddie trailer all of his clothes went to Steve when he "died". "Uh, fuck, we're kinda screwed." Steve replied.

A car quickly pulled into the parking lot, Steve knew who it was. Steve got out of the car and waited for Robins parents at the front of the hospital. Eddie once again watched from the car. A panicked couple ran up to Steve, probably interrogating him for answers. To which Steve obliged. Eddie felt something when he saw Steve panic. He didn't feel numbness anymore, he felt an urge but not like what he's used to. He felt an urge to protect the other, and to make him feel safe. When he spoke to him he didn't let his head do the talking, he let his heart.

Robin's parents entered the building after hugging Steve. He stood there for a minute longer, collecting himself, he still failed. When he slid back into the car his eyes were puffy and red, it was obvious that he had being crying. Eddie rubbed his back, "It's okay to cry." That opened the floodgates again, and Steve let it out. He laid his head on Eddie shoulder, and just cried and cried. Eddie saw how obviously sad he was, he felt a little awkward just sitting there. He tucked his arm behind Steve and slowly put his hand in Steves hair and played with it, trying his best to sooth him. "Just breath, I'm here. I've got you." Eddie was trying to keep it together himself, he knew he needed to be strong for Steve, and if Robin knew he was crying over this he would never live it down.

Slowly Steve contained himself. His tears dried, his breathing was controlled, and his hands were peaceful. His head rose off of Eddie's shoulder, in turn making Eddie hand fall out of Steve's hair. "I'm sorry, i don't know what got into me." Steve said was a forced smile.

Steve turned to Eddie looking for some type of response. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" They were inches apart, so close that Steve could feel Eddie's warm breath on his cheeks. Steve knew he was blushing, but he didn't know why. Eddie? Really? This would ruin him, right? If someone saw this, or it somehow got out, he would never be able to show his face again. Eddie was gay? Steve tried to wrap his head around it. He didn't seem gay. In first grade he had a girlfriend, and they lasted all the way through sixth grade. This had to be some sort of prank. And Steve wasn't gay, Eddie knew that, so why was he blushing. "I'm sorry that was stupid, forget i said anything."

Eddie put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. "Where we goin'?" "I have to face Wayne at some point. Might as well be now. I can ask him to go buy us some clothes." Eddie drove down some old dirt roads and turned into a trailer park. He parked in front of a trailer that looked well kept, for the most part. It wasn't the one that Chrissy died in, that one was taken by the government for "testing". It was a newer one, it was bigger than the old one and had a small garden in the front. "It's now or never." Eddie turned the car off and opened the door. It took him a minute to get out, reality was hitting him, he was going to get to see his uncle again. When he finally did get out he looked at Steve, who gave him a reassuring smile. He closed the door and locked it. Eddie walked up to the front door and took a few deep breaths before knocking.

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