15~ "Help me, please"

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Eddie and Robin had been friends for years, and they had this sort of silent agreement that they could tell each other anything with no questions asked. So when Eddie showed up on Robins door step wet from rain, pleading with Robin to let him in, she knew there was no other option.

"I don't know what i was thinking. I knew it was a dream, i knew it was fake. But its like when i saw him, it was like a natural reaction." Eddie was laying down on Robin's bed, while she was sitting on the floor next to it. "The past few weeks have just been total shit." In the distance a phone could be ringing. "I'll be right." Robin got up and walked out of the room and down the hallway. Eddie got up a second later and put his ear to the door. "Steve? Its the like one in the morning... He's here why?... yeah i heard... Steve don't say that... You don't mean it... Steve stop it!... Jesus Steve, you're one to talk about hitting people... Jonathan, Billy, the fucking Russians, Steve... No don't come over here... Not if you're just going to hit him... Yes he has an explanation... Bad dream... Jesus fucking christ, Steve!... Steve Harrington i swear to god if you come over here... whatever Steve." Robin slammed the phone into the wall, she walked back into the room. "He's on his way if you wanna hide or some shit." Eddie thought to himself for a moment, whats the worst thing that'll happen? "No i'll talk to him, I just don't know what i'll say."

They waited around for the inevitable knock at the door. 5 minutes passed then 10 then 15. Robin and Eddie had started to think that he just wasn't coming. 20 then 25 then ring ring ring.

"Hello?... Steve, where are you?..."

"Robin, i need you... fuck please, I don't know what i did... please it hurts, please Robin... No don't bring him... there's blood Rob, please... thank you, i love you... bye."

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