6~ Freak

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They finished watching the movie, and drove back home in the most awkward silence ever.

When they finally reached home, they saw that Robin's parents were still gone. Quickly they rushed Eddie into Steve's room.

"Can someone explain to me why the dead man is walking an- and breathing and alive?!" Robin didn't realize she was yelling until she was done with her sentence. "So he died but then came back and now he's a vampire." Robin looked between Steve and Eddie before bursting into laughter. "You really want me to believe that?" Her laughter died down when she realized neither Steve or Eddie were laughing. "Holy fuck! Are you gonna like kill us or some shit?" Eddie looked a little hurt over Robin's comment. "No Robin." Steve deadpanned. The room fell silent, it felt like that car ride. The silence was thick and eating Eddie alive, or un-alive. "Sorry..." Robin stood up and walked out of the room. "Fuck, Robin, come back." Steve followed Robin out.

Eddie looked around, he didn't know that Steve had moved in with Robin. Eddie had known about how terrible Steve's parents were, so Eddie didn't blame him. Eddie saw a sliver of the closet open. He pushed the door all the way open. He saw the change in hangers and his hands immediately went to the black velvet. Slowly, after looking at all the clothes, he realized Steve had kept some of his clothes. Eddie saw his Hellfire shirt, some band shirts, old ripped jeans, and his denim vest. Eddie grabbed the vest and put it on. He remembered the night he gave his vest to Steve, Eddie was glad it was still around. It fit perfectly over his dirty Ozzy Osbourne shirt. He walked over to Steve's dresser and looked into the mirror. Eddie hadn't seen himself in months. He looked, bad. Which made since, he hadn't had a shower in god knows how long, his hair was dirty and matted together in some spots, his face was dirty, and he saw a scar that ran from his chin down to his neck ending right above his collar bone. His face was littered with small cuts and bruises, not to mention the dirt scattered across his body. He opened his mouth and looked at his teeth, small fangs had started to grow in. They were too noticeable, but they made Eddie hate himself a little more. He knew he smelt bad, he hasn't had a shower, deodorant, or cologne in months. He looked at his body, the once slightly muscle build he had was gone. He was just skin and bones. Eddie looked down at his hands, he hadn't realized how boney he was. He looked back at the mirror, his hair, his face, the scar, his body, his teeth. He felt his eyes start to burn with tears. He was a freak.

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