9~ Blood

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In the morning Eddie woke up with a burning sensation on his back. He flipped over to see the curtains open. Immediately he pulled the blankets over him and started aggressively shaking Steve. "What do you want?" Steve said, still half asleep. "The window!" It took Steve a moment, but he finally pieced everything together. Steve got up and shut the curtains, then sat back down on the bed. Eddie emerged from the blanket, he was trying to figure out what the hell he was doing in Steve's room. "So.." Steve pondered for a bit wondering if he should ask about last night. "Do you wanna talk about last night?" Steve finally asked as he looked over at Eddie who had a look of uncertainty spread across his face. "I don't know what happened if I'm being honest."Eddie's face turned to realization. "Don't tell me we-" "Nope! We didn't do that." Steve deadpanned. "Thank god, I would never live that down." The room fell into a harsh silence, with both of the boys having a faint pink across their faces. "So you really don't remember?" Eddie tried to recall the events that took place the night prior, but nothing came to mind. "Nope." Steve let out a quiet huff of frustration. "Do you?" Steve shook his head before speaking, "You just came into my room crying and saying you were sorry. When I asked what happened you didn't answer, so I let you sleep in here." Eddie cringed at the fact that Steve of all people saw him cry for the second time. Eddie sat up on the edge of the bed still trying to piece together last night. Crying? Apologizing? Having to sleep in someone else's room? Eddie groaned in confusion, slapping the palm of his hand onto his forehead. While doing so Eddie caught a whiff of himself and realized he still needed a shower. "Uh, I think I'm gonna hit the shower." Eddie slowly stood up and walked to his room.

Eddie waited for the water to warm up, and once it finally did he stepped in. He let the water run over his hair and down his body. He squeezed soap onto his loofah and scrubbed all the dirt off and watched the brown water fall down the drain. He brushed out the matts and tangles from his hair, washing it with shampoo that he found in the corner of the shower that smelt like strawberries. He continued to scrub in the shower until he felt clean. After about an hour in the shower he finally got out and put some clothes on, nothing fancy, just some black sweat pants and a wife beater.

Eddie walked to the kitchen in hopes of finding something to snack on. He was looking through the cabinets when he got a killer headache. His head fell into his hands, and the pain only grew worse. He felt his gums start to hurt with the same sharp pain. "Fuck!" Eddie heard Steve yell from upstairs. Eddie felt the pounding in his head grow stronger, the smell of iron and rust filling his nose harshly. He subconsciously started walking towards the smell. He made it to the bathroom door and the only thing he could focus on was the smell, his headache and mouth pain was forgotten. Eddie opened the door and saw Steve with tissues up his nose trying to stop the blood from coming out. "Eddie, what do you need?" Eddie walked closer to Steve, thats when Steve noticed Eddies eyes that were impossibly darker than normal, and his paper white skin. "Eddie go to your room." Eddie backed Steve into a corner, towering over him. Steve had a terrified look across his face, Eddie on the other hand had no expression. Steve wasn't ready to die, he had so much to do, he couldn't die not like this at least. "Eddie! Snap out of it." Steve grabbed Eddies shoulders and shook him but it didn't work. "It won't hurt, I promise." Eddie leaned his head towards Steve. Steve balled up his fist and threw a quick punch to Eddie's face. Eddie stumbled back just enough for Steve to slip out of the bathroom. Steve ran to his room and slammed the door shut, locking it.

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