Song Machine?

443 11 23

The car took a loud turn and we pulled up in front this studio looking house thing. Murdoc quickly got out of the car.

"Y/n stay in here dear." Murdoc said as he pulled Stuarts shirt and yanked him out the car almost choking him.

"gah~" Stuart stuttered.

"Take this..." Murdoc handed him a thick rope.

"W-wha-" Stuart held it in his hands.

"Shut up and listen! Tie her hands up...I don't want her escaping! After drag her in the studio, I'm going to get a drink. HURRY!" Murdoc pushed Stuart causing him to fall back into the car.

"o-ow~" Stuart put his hand on his head, he then got up and shut the door. The door heart was thumping a bit as Stuart opened the car door.

"I p-promise yew I won't hurt y-yew." Stuart stuttered as he got closer, I got scared and started to think that maybe these people did want to hurt me.

I backed away slowly moving farther from Stuart.

"Luv...Y-y/n I won't hurt yew. I promise I just need y-yew to come closer please." Stuart stuttered a bit...he looked like he didn't want to do this. I gulped and got a bit closer. 

"W-what are you going to do with that rope?! Kill me?!" I yell at him as I got closer.

"no! no! Luv I just...well..I- I just need ta tie yewr hands b-because Murdoc told me tew...I'm s-sorry I really don't w-want ta do this." With that Stuart quickly grabbed my hands , he loosened his grip every now and then trying not to hurt me.

"S-stuart!" I yell out of frustration 

"I-im so sorry Y/n! I really am!" Stuart's voice cracked he almost sounded like he wanted to cry? I felt bad a bit and I don't know why...this random bloke was trying to tie me up and I was the one feeling bad for him? It was a strange feeling so I stopped fighting back and let Stuart tie me up.

He finished tying a knot and turned me around to face him gently. A tear drop fell from my eye because the thought of me probably dying tonight was surrounding my mind. I looked up to see a tear drop on Stuarts face?

"are you c-crying?" I said 

"Oh Y/n! D-don't cry! I'm s-so sorry!" Stuart said at the same time as me

Stuart paused and quickly wiped his tear and looked away. 

"N-no~ I'm f-fine. I'm sorry about this Y/n lets g-go." 

I stayed silent. Stuart took me out of the car gently and closer the door. He placed his long hands on both of my shoulders, I shivered by his touch, butterflies than flew across my stomach. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I FEELING!? THIS GUY JUST TIED ME UP! 

Stuart walking behind me and we entered the studio looking building door. The scent of alcohol filled my nose. There was massive windows everywhere, pianos, guitars, drums, almost every instrument was scattered all around the whole place. My heart fluttered when I saw all this music...I absolute adored music! I almost forgot that I was tied up. I then saw some other people coming towards me with Murdoc.

"AND HERE SHE IS!" Murdoc said while looking at me

"Why is she tied up?!" A girl said in a Japanese accent.

"Murdoc did you kidnap her?! Oh my gosh! Come here girl!" The girl quickly pushed Stuart away from me and un tied me. She then held my hand...I was more confused than ever. 


"I did not! I was just enjoying my night in a taxi because I JUST MOVED TO LONDON WITH NOTHING IN MY HANDS and I was FINALLY HAPPY BECAUSE I WAS SO MISERABLE BEFORE WITH MY ABUSIVE ASS PARENTS and YOU HERE decided to knock out my taxi driver and use HIS CAR TO ROB WHATEVER THAT THING IS..." I pointed to the black duffle bag on the ground 

"So I hid on the car ground HOPING NOT TO FUCKIN DIE! And now im here because you DECIDED TO KEEP ME?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I tried not to cry but I ended up crying on the girls arms. I didn't even know her but she was comforting me...rubbing my back in circular motions.

"Its okay! Its okay! Im so sorry about all of this!" The girl said

"I-its f-fine" I stuttered and looked back up.

"My name is Noodle. What's yours?! You are so gorgeous girl!!" Noodle said trying to cheer me up. I giggled and blush at her comment

"I-its Y/n." I said wiping my tears and giving her a soft smile.

I then looked over to Stuart, he looked at me back with saddened eyes. 

"Ok Y/n...come here babe, I have got something to tell you." Noodle walked me to a chair 

" can I say this, well Murdoc is sadly...uhm, keeping you BUT I PROMISE I WONT LET HIM DO ANYTHING TO HARM YOU OKAY! He is just like this and I can't do ANYTHING to stop him. I guess he is using you as one of his robber companions like Stuart..since you didn't snitch on him when the policies were there. He told me everything." 

I was shocked...I wasn't going back. I was stuck here with these strangers. No way OUT! I finally accepted it. I really couldn't do anything. I sniffled and sighed. I then nodded, Noodle gave me a hug and then walked away crossing Murdoc.

"Never do this AGAIN! Poor girl!" She loudly whispered. Murdoc rolled his eyes. Then some other guy came up to me and reached his hand out towards me. 

"Hey! Names Russel. Nice to meet you Y/n!" I kindly shook his hand placing a fake smile on my face.

"h-hi Russel." I said with a smile.

"Enough chatter! Y/n! Dear come!" Murdoc grabbed me by the waist causing Stuart to glare at him. Murdoc took me to a small room.

"Where are yew taken er' Murdoc?!? Don't do anyfing ta er'!!" Stuart snapped and ran towards us before Murdoc opened the door.

"I WONT! I just want to talk other about the basics! She's mine not yours! GO AWAY!" Murdoc slapped Stuart. 

Stuart then grabbed his cheek and sniffled, he walked away. I felt so terrible he was just trying to protect me. Murdoc closed the door behind us...I was scared

"ANYWAYS.." Murdoc smirked

"Since you are now working for ME! You have NO choice got it?" 

I nodded 

"Well, this might sound a bit strange but ITS REAL ALL RIGHT! I'm basically creating this song machine type thing...if I collect all parts it opens a portal to another dimension that I used to live in! The other dimension in there is called PLASTIC BEACH! I just need help robbing all them parts and YOU HERE WERE A GREAT HELP TODAY!" Murdoc tossed over the black duffel bag and opened it

"You see?" He pulled put this weird unfinished instrument, it looked like a piano but it wasn't. It was missing pieces and such.

"woah." I said out loud

"cool right?!" Murdoc said smiling holding it up proudly

"Deal you will help me find all the pieces?" Murdoc said smirking

"HAHA! YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" Murdoc laughed and threw the piece back into the bag. He then opened the door and walked out leaving me alone. I looked around 

"what the fuck did I get myself into.." I whispered to myself

"A mess...a big ol mess." Stuart popped out from the hall and scratched the back of his head as he got closer to me

"I-im scared.." I said 

"Don't be luv...Murdoc is like tha. I'm sorry yew have no choice." Stuart said putting his hand on my shoulder gently

I sighed and just accepted it.

" life is a whole mess so this doesn't hurt much.." I softly smiled and looked at Stuart.

"same ere'..." Stuart said, we both looked at each other for longer than we should have...those butterflies came flying back again. 

Whats gone into me?!


1304 words! I hope you luvs are doing okay! Stay tuned! 💕

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now