Happy Tune On Me

285 8 18

Tuesday - 11:20 p.m

I woke up on the couch alone, all I remember from last night was that I fell asleep while watching the movie. I slept in because it was already 11 pm.

I walked to the bathroom and did all my hygiene. I even took a shower.

"Hey beautiful! Uhm do ya want to eh go shopping with me? Because you probably need some new clothes and stuff. JUST PROMISE ME YOU WONT RUN AWAY OR ELSE I WILL END U!" Murdoc said as he passed by me in the hall

I wasn't even planning to run away anymore because I just got way too attached to Noodle, Russel and especially Stuart.

"Yea sure! And don't worry Muddz wasn't even planning too." I said while drying my hair with a towel

"Great! Let's go!" Murdoc ran out the door and left. I didn't think we were leaving NOW

"What-?" I ran to put on my black high top converse and headed out the door.

"Wait up Muddz!!" I got in his car to see Noodle and Russel already in it.

"Oh! Hey guys!!" I said greeting them

"Hii Y/n!!" Noddle said with a warm smile.

"Hiya (nickname)!" Said Russel. I blushed at his little nickname that he gave me.

Murdoc drove us to the nearest mall which was pretty far away. We blasted music in the car and they of coursed played their songs. My heart fluttered when I heard Stuart sing, he sings like an absolute angel!

"Stuart can really sing!" I said blushing

"Right?! I miss his little clumsy self!" Noodle said

Once we got to the mall Noodle and I went to the clothing shops while Russel went to a music shop and Murdoc went to grab a drink ofc.

"Ah! This will look so cute on you Y/n!!" Noodle said pointing at the most CUTEST MOST HOTTEST OUTFIT EVER.

"SHUT UP! THATS SO CUTE!" I said. I grabbed her hand and we both ran into the store trying to find the outfit.

Noodle and I got a bunch of outfits IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER. Murdoc had gave me a little card to spend as much as I wanted. Tbh he kinda felt like a sugar daddy for a second but I mean I don't mind if I get whatever I want!

I bought noodle a bunch of stuff too!

"Y/n thank you so MUCH! I have always wanted this! You are like my long lost sister I swear!" Noodle said hugging me, my heart warmed up

"Of course!! I'll call you sis from now on HAHA!" We laughed and laughed. I felt so loved with these people.

I got everyone a little gift because I felt like it! I got Russel new drum sticks because I heard he needed new ones, I got Murdoc a sick necklace that looked deadly because it had a mini real life sharp knife on it. I got noodle what ever she wanted. And finally I got Stuart a zombie film as well as a cool bracelet that matched with mine.

"Oooo getting two things for Stuart I see?" Noodle giggled at me as she saw my blush.

"Yea...." I tried to look away from her because my face was red

"Why so red for?" She giggled

"N-nothing! Really!" I said

"Do you like STUART?!" She said kinda of shouting the last part

"SHHH!! Tone it down sis!" I said blushing madly.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She said hugging me in excitement

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now