Isolated Without You

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"Y/n? Can yew ere' me?!!? OH please Y/n answer!" 

A muffled yell fulfilled the room I was in but no one was in here with me? I was still trying to process what happened. The only thing I remembered was being scared, everything dark. I forgot how I got here, at this point I was starting to panic on the inside.

"y-y/n a-answer p-please." I again. heard muffled yelps, but this time the persons voice was shaky, I recognized this voice but absolutely no one was around me. WHERE AM I? I wanted to scream, yell, run but I couldn't. Not a single word came out of my mouth. I couldn't move, I just stayed sitting on the couch. 

"luv, answer m-me -please." The muffled yelling turned into soft shaky whimpers. How is it possible to hear a voice when no one was in the room with me? Did I die? Why am I at plastic beach? I finally got the strength to say something back

'h-hello?" My shaky voice projected

"y/n! Y/n! Yew are alive! GUYS! SHE'S ALIVE!" The voice said. Again, no where to be seen. I try looking around, outside the window but there was not a single soul around me.

"w-where am I? w-who are you?" I couldn't put my finger on who this was, the voice was so recognizable though.

"y/n, ets m-me. Stuart..." The voice filled with melancholy. My brain stopped thinking for a second. I looked at the floor and stared down for a couple minutes tryin got recollect my thoughts. Stuart?........ Stuart. STUART.

"S-STUART! STUART! WHERE ARE Y-YOU?! WHERE AM I?! WHERE AM I?!" I yelled louder than ever. I finally got my scattered guts and started to walk around like a maniac around the room trying to process what happened. WHAT THE FUCK?!

"luv! y/n! Please c-calm down okay! I'll explain EVERYFING BUT PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Stuart's voice echoed

"Stuart why c-cant I s-see you?" I asked about to cry. I was scared.

"Luv, let m-me explain." His voice echoed again. I stood on the floor with my hands hugging myself trying not to cry or freak out even more.

"I-i- dunno if yew remember, but afta tha' whole gun incident, when w-we were both hiding I-i-i- dunno wha' happened but a wave of weird smoke overcame us and we both fainted. Murdoc, russel, a-and noodle fainted as well. Tha' only one tha' didn't faint wos Paula, s-she was waiting outside a-and..." Stuarts voice was so shaky I almost couldn't understand him but I tried my hardest.

"a-afta everyone was on tha' floor s-she...SHE T-THREW YEW INTO THA'  FOCKIN PORTAL AND DESTROYED ET, WHA' THAT FOCK IS WRONG WIF YEW?!?!" Stuarts yells echoed

"AT LEAST I TOLD YA THE TRUTH!" I heard another echoed was Paula.

"I-I-I H-HATE YEW! I FOCKIN HATE Y-YEW!" I heard stuart yell, he was on his last straw...I heard his echoed cries. 

"Y/n? Doll? You still there?" I heard another voice, it was Russel.

"....y-yea.." I could't believe Paula tried to get rid of me and it worked..I heard stuarts sniffles.

"Yea..he hasn't been doing okay.....but adding up to D's story we fixed the portal but we can't get it to open, we can only talk to you. We can't see you either, but we can hear you." Russel said, he seemed so frustrated and upset.

"a-am I s-stuck here?" I wasn't even mad, I was just scared of being stuck here forever. 

"no sis! Plastic beach is just extremely far away..." I heard noodle add on

"I-is everyone h-here?" I asked

"Yes..except Muddz, he hasn't came out of that lab since he heard the news...I never seen him like this. Y/n he really is trying to get you back the fastest way possible." Russel said.

"I-i- miss you guys.." I struggled to say, that lump in my throat was really starting to hurt. 

"we miss you more sis, so much." Noodle said, her voice was so upset.

"y-y/n we are going ta get yew back! I don't care how long et takes we are getting yew back." I heard stuarts voice chime in. 

"I l-love you Stuart." I said gulping.

"I luv y-yew more." I heard him say. 

"w-what do I do now? Can I sail back? Can a helicopter pick me up or something?!" I said helpless.

"Doll, right now I think we should stick to getting this portal fixed, it might takes days, even weeks." Russel said, I scoffed. WEEKS?! WHAT IF IT TAKES MONTHS?! I thought to my self.

"DAYS? WEEKS?! RUSSEL WE CAN'T LET ER' STAY THERE! WE AVE' TA GET ER NOW!" I heard Stuarts frustrated voice echo around me. He said exactly what was on my mind...

"WE CAN'T D! WE JUST CANT! IT WILL TAKE DAYS TO GET TO PLASTIC BEACH! ITS DANGEROUS MAN! We should just wait for Muddz to figure something out. If we got nothing left we will go." Russel said, I know he was probably so stressed I felt bad for him. 

"bullshit." I heard Stuart's voice shake

"Where are ya going?!" Paula yelled

"leave me alone Paula, this is ol yewr fockin fault." There was silence. 

"Stay in touch (nickname) I promise you everything will be okay. You will be safe. Just try not to get too curious in's a dangerous place."  I heard Russel say. 

"I'll be here russ, I'll be here..." I sighed and my knees hit the cold floor. 

2D's POV:

I leave the room that we were all in, the studio felt so empty without her, without her laughter. I run outside the studio trying not to cry, mid way of running into the woods I burst out crying trying to catch my breath. I wipe my tears away and climb the old ladder. I sit on top of the hideout, the moon shining; reflecting on my face. My tears making my vision blurry I dig my head into my knees. 

"I should of hid er, I should of protected er." 

" "I won't let anyfing hurt yew" BULLSHIT. I DISAPPOINTED ER. I SHOULD'VE STOPPED PAULA. My weak body should've just woken up tha' moment she was taken away from me." 

I look up at the moon and remember her soft words. 

"I love you" 

I could almost feel her soft hands around my neck, her fingers tangled in my hair, her hand on my cheek, her soft eyes glistening at me, her beautiful hair gracefully blowing in the wind as she sang. Oh how beautiful she sings, Y/n is so beautiful. And yet there is always isolation between us, I'm always losing her, why can't we just finally be happy?! 

Is eternal happiness even real now? I just want her. I want Y/n to stay by my side forever. I can't play a happy tune on my own, without her I feel so lost. I feel empty, I'm full of melancholy without her. 

"I miss yew and et hasn't even been a day wifout yew." 


1,143 words!! YEP PLOT TWIST! What do you guys think will happen now?! TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS! ALSO What do you guys think about the new album?? Like WHAT THEY GOT BAD BUNNY AND STEVIE NICKS!! Ik i'm kinda late cuz they posted about it like 5 days ago but it still blows my mind!😭 I hope you luvs are doing okay! STAY TUNED!💕

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