Model That Is Uncomplicated

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I woke up to the sound of gently knocking on my door, I roll my eyes and get up from my comfy bed. I quickly look in the mirror and notice i'm wearing Murdoc's jacket?!! What the fuck. I unlock the door and open it. Stuart stood standing there like a scared puppy.

"Yea?" I said look up at him.

"E-ello Y/n, uhm g-goodmornin." He said timidly.

"Goodmorning?" I said confused 

"oh! Uhm! Well, w-we are going on t-tour and Murdoc told me ta tell yew ta' start packin'. We are leaving latah' today." Stuart said scratching the back of his neck. I then caught him staring at the jacket I was wearing, his facial expression quickly changed. He looked kinda mad when he saw Murdoc's jacket on me. Did that really make him jealous?? I smile to myself 

"Oh! Okay! Thanks Stu." I said smiling at him, I was tired of pretending to be mad at him but seeing that he still gets jealous made me think of doing something.

Stuart's eyes widen when I said that, I saw pink dust on his cheeks.

"o-of course Y/n." He said smiling

I then close my door gently. I look back in the mirror with Murdocs jacket and grin.

-----TIME SKIP 20 MINUTES-----

I didn't have much to pack so I just decided to do it all in one go. I dropped my bag on my bed and headed out the door into the kitchen.

"Hiya Muddz!" I hug murdoc not even noticing Stuart and Paula were sitting in front of us. I look at Stuart, he looked absolutely pissed. 

"Hi Russel!" I said while also giving him a hug. I was then hugged from behind by Noodz

"Hiii sis!" I said hugging her.

We all sat down at the table. Paula being freaky with Stuart disgusted me so I decide to say something.

"Hey Murdoc." I said, everyone looked at me even Paula.

"yes dear?" He said smirking at me

"About the song machine thing...are we going to get the piece?" I said, Stuarts eyes looked directly at me.

"oh! Actually, forgot to tell you but uhm..faceache here got the piece when he came home that one day." I look at Stuart with widen eyes.

"YOU GOT THE PEICE?!" I said shocked, Stuart softly smiled.

"y-yea," He said rubbing the back of his neck blushing.

"oh! Wow! That's pretty impressive, I really thought we would have to go back." I said looking down at my plate. 

"F-fank yew Y/n." Stuart said with a complete red face. I smiled

"Are ya REALLY flustered for that?! I call ya cute all the time and you don't get flustered!" Paula said almost yelling at Stuart. He stayed quiet.

"anyways, Murdoc! About tour! I-" Before I could say anything Murdoc blurt out

"Oh! Y/n! I was about to tell you about that! You know how you can sing and play instruments and what not." Murdoc said, I felt Stuarts widen eyes look at me when Murdoc said that I can sing.

"yea??" I said

"HOW ABOUT YOU PERFORM WITH US? We could use an extra help!" He said 

"Oh my gosh! Yes!!!" I said getting up excitedly 

"Wow Muddz, an idea that is actually good." Russel said smiling at me.

"YAY SIS WILL PERFORM WITH US!" Noodz said hugging me, I giggle. Stuart smiled showing his missing teeth at the sight.

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now