Can You See My Red Light?

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"Just look ahead from where magic city is okay?" Stuart said as I looked at the lonely tall building in magic city. 

"Ok!" I said

2d's POV:

"I'm standing on a beach in the distance~

And even though you're far away, can you see my red light?...It's waiting to turn green." I said waving my bright light in the air. I was on the highest ridge in the city...Y/n has to see it.

Y/N's POV:

I see a red light flashing from the tallest building. 

"I SEE IT! I SEE IT STUART!" I said as my heart began to pound fast.

"Y/n I feel so isolated without y-yew...I can't be happy on my own, promise m-me yew will stay by my side once I come home?" Stuarts voice cracked and my whole body heated up...his words made me feel so loved.

"of course Stu!"

"Once this light turns green, it means i'll be back ok?" Stuart said calmly

"ok! but S-stu its Wednesday tomorrow. Does this mean you will come tomorrow morning?" I said hoping he said yes

"I-i-i dunno...maybe, maybe n-not. Tha strange people are still ere'! They seem pretty put in place so I dunno." I heard the sadness in Stuarts voice. 

"S-stuart I miss you so much. I really hope you come back tomorrow." 

"I hope so too." Stuart said as I laid my back on the cold wood type thing.

"Are you seeing the same stars as me right now?" I randomly said. 

"Hmm, I believe so! Just not tha same moon...ets weird." I heard Stuart laying down, its so weird how I can hear him without seeing him. I laid closer to the portal, the closer I did the better I heard Stuart, he almost sounded like an echo. I looked up at the sky

"Tha stars are beautiful don't ya fink?" Stuart's calm voice ran through my ears

"They are." I softly smiled, and remembered what I told myself on the plane when I was moving here to London. I hoped for someone like Stuart without knowing...and here we are staring at the same stars, together through a portal. Even though I can't see him he is still with me. 

"you know I stole the portal from Murdoc just to talk to you in our secret place?" I said while looking at the stars

"Y-yew did?!" Stuart said

"yup...I might get my ass beat but it will be worth it. I get to talk to you!!"

"yewr like no otha Y/n. Yewr so sweet, a-and nice, and and and yewr e-yes they are so pretty! A-and yewr just so....ah im rambling again, s-sorrey." Stuart said, gosh this boy is so perfect. 

"Y-you really think of me like that?" I said as I blushed and smiled at the stars

"Y-yea. N-not ina weird way I-i-i promise!" Stuart stuttered. I giggled

"Hey Stu, as much as I want to stay here and I would for ever but I have to put this back or else I won't be able to talk to you ever again." I said getting up

"awh, w-well okay! Come back tomorrow and look out for my light hehe!" I heard Stuart giggle.

"I will! Come back home okay!" I said picking up the portal like thing.

"I'll try!" Stuart said

I climbed back down and ran back inside quickly. I hid behind a corner and went inside the little room. Thank God that no one was there. 

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now