Busted and Blue

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(A/N: You can play the song once they start singing yea yea😇😇)

Stuart and I went back inside to take a nap since we still had a few hours until the show started.

10:30 p.m

I woke up in my room, ah sleeping in a bed feels so much better than sleeping in an old winnebago! I didn't want to get up but the show was going to start soon UGHHH.

"Y/n!!! DARLIN CMON NOW GET UP!!" I heard Murdoc yell from downstairs. MY BED WAS TOO COMFY AND WARM NO!! I stayed silent

"GET UP DEAR!! WE HAVE TO PERFORM SOON!" Murdoc yelled again, I again stayed in my comfy bed.

"QUIT STANDIN' THERE AND GO GET ER!" I heard murdoc yell at someone else. I roll my eyes and  adjust my position. I then hear footsteps coming, I start getting butterflies. Stuart then bust into the door.

"AH!!" I scream and hide under the covers. Stuart throws himself on my bed and tackles me wrapping his cold hands arounds around my body.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP YEW LITTLE BASTARD!!" Stuart giggles as I try to fight back.

"HAHA NOOO!!!" I said struggling to stay under the covers.

"hmmmm someone doesn't want ta LISTEN!!" Stuart throws the blanket off me and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"AHHHH!! ITS SO COLD!!" I say kicking my legs. Stuart giggles and sets me down back on the bed kissing my nose gently.

"lets go luv." He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"alright alright" I say kissing his cheek and then grabbing my towel to take a shower. Yes a shower at night because I was kinda sweaty from today.

I took a super fast shower and I put on a cute outfit for the show. I then skip down the stairs to join everyone.

"IM READYY!!!!!" I sing out load, everyone was already ready. WERE THEY REALLY ONLY WAITING FOR ME?!

"finally.." Paula says in an annoyed tone. WHY WAS SHE UPSET?! SHE WASN'T EVEN GONNA PERFORM.

"sorry, I was just tired." I say a bit upset

"Its okay dear, get some sleep once I take you with me." Murdoc said putting his arm around me. What did he mean by that??? Take me with him?? I didn't question it though.

"Ok lets go!" 

We all got in this cool looking green jeep! It's such a cool car! I was about to sit next to Stuart when murdoc stopped me

"Y/n you sit with me." He said gripping my wrist.

"but-" I said

"no buts lets go." Murdoc pulled me on shot gun. I look back and stare at Stuart then I stare at Paula next to him. I roll my eyes and look forward on the road. Stuart noticed my disturbance and started to twiddle his fingers. Murdoc started the engine and we were off. 

"Now I'm being easy on you dear, simple rules, stay next to me, only me, no facecahe no nothing just me. Now once you start singing you will have to stand next to face ache but that will be the only bloody time. Got it?" Murdoc said

"got it.." I said.  I was actually a bit nervous, what if this was the day my parents would capture me and take me back, the day where I'll never see Stuart again. I shake off all these negative thoughts. I began to shake my leg and twiddle with my rings.

"don't be scared darlin' they won't get to you. Just perform well and this will all be over." He reassured me.

We parked outside the super bowel thing. We all entered the building and headed towards our rooms with our named labeled.

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now