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(A/N: yep a certain part is inspired by this Gorillaz song :)

Y/N's POV:

It's been 3 days since I got here, my ribs had begun to pop out with ever look I took in the mirror. I hadn't eaten since the morning of the incident. I felt weak and fragile but I always just slept my sorrow away in Stuarts bed. His scent was the only thing helping me sleep, the only thing giving me hope to keep going. 

I hold onto stuarts pillow squeezing it to my chest as a couple tears slipped from my eyes. Whenever I'd talk to Russel, Noodle, and Stuart I would just pretend to be okay, I'd lie that I ate, I'd lie that I was alright. I didn't want them to worry about me. I feel so drained and tired of pretending that everything is okay. At the end of the day I'd always end up laying in stuarts bed holding onto his pillow just hoping that he will pop out of no where waiting for me to jump into his arms.

Stuart hadn't talked to me in some hours...actually the whole day.. the whole night he was gone. I started to think he had forgotten about me already. 


I got myself up from stuarts bed and headed towards the elevator to go talk to russel for a bit, the loneliness was really getting to me now.


"h-hey russ.."

"oh! Hey (nickname)! How are you? Everything okay?" Russel kindly asked

"oh...uhm, yea im doing fine.." I lied 

"That's great! Hang in there doll! I know you are strong enough." He said 

" it."

"Russ?" I questioned

"yes doll?" 

"Is Stuart around? Just thought it was a little weird how he hasn't talked to me.." I said looking down

"oh he hasn't talked to you?? He is actually in his room right now talking to Paula." Russels words made my heart sink. Stuart was there all along but he didn't want to talk to me. INSTEAD HE WAS TALKING TO PAULA?!

"oh. Is he sick or something?" I said trying to boost my mood.

"nope, he just got home from the corner store nearby." Russel said. My face dropped, I felt like my heart had broken into a million pieces. Stuart had forgotten about me already?! He's probably now fuckin Paula because he is bored. What the fuck is wrong with him?! I shake my head...I can't let negative thoughts flow in.

"oh-" Is all that came out of my mouth

"so he hasn't talked to you?" Russel questioned

"no..uhm, that's fine though. I'm fine! I need to go now to you tomorrow." I didn't even let russel talk back. I left the room instantly. I walked back with my head down. My breathing increased and my eyes began to water. 

"HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME ANYMORE! I'M STUCK IS THIS FUCKIN BEACH WITH NO ONE. I AM GOING TO DIE HERE ALONE. I HATE MYSELF." I screamed as I ran towards the small hill with he manatee on it. I plopped my self next to the manatee and dug my head into my knees. 

"WHY STUART?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS?! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BREAK ME?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT ME SO QUICKLY?!" I throw a rock at the ocean as my legs dangle above the shining waters. The manatee stared at me with a melancholy look. I sniffed and cried again.

2D's POV:

"PAULA! I already told yew ta leave me alone!" I said while packing a small bag. She wouldn't leave me alone!

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