You Got Me Lost In Magic City

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(A/N you should play the song when I leave my next A/N since the lyrics will be brought up!)

Once I stepped into the studio I felt empty. Like a part of me was missing. Stuart.

"Murdoc! Can we see him now??" I said grabbing his hand and pulling it.

"Not now baby we just got here." He said

"MURDOC! PLEASE! I NEED TO SEE STUART!" I said as that lump came to my throat as I tried not to cry

"Y/n! Listen! I said no!" Murdoc left me in the middle of the living room. I run out the door crying, and shaking. I was so scared for Stuart, those strange people could do something do him any time! I sit outside the studio with my knees pulled into my chest.

2d's POV:

(A/N you should play the audio i left up there since he is going to be singing 'Magic City'.)

"I'm on the high ridge looking down,
While we're evolving, I get old~ ooooh oh~
If I get back then I'll be grateful
Look there's a billboard on the moon~"

I sang while sitting on the high ridge, I was bored so I made a song...I called it 'Magic City'

"Let me take you this far~
This crossing isn't much to me...
There's lightning in the storm clouds~
And I'll send you there to stay..."

I look out of the distance, Magic City was all dark and only the neon lights were vibrant

"You got me lost in Magic City~"

I thought about Y/n

"You got me questioning it all~
I hope that I make it home by Wednesday~
And this Magic City lets me go...."

I sigh and look at the city again, it looked like the whole place was melting at some was weird. This city really is full of magic. I felt so empty.

"You put me up here in the penthouse~"

I thought about that moment when Y/n met that guy and showed her his stupid penthouse.

"And painted me in red, white and blue~
I filled the canyons with my ego"

I look back up.

"Look there's a billboard on the moon~"

"You got me lost in Magic City~
You got me questioning it all~
I hope that I make it home by Wednesday"

I sighed one last time.

"And this Magic City lets me...go."

Y/N's POV:

I stopped crying a bit and went back inside, it was getting dark already! I sat on the stomach growled. I didn't eat all day. I then realized Stuart didn't either! WHAT WILL HE EAT ALL THESE DAYS?! I won't eat if he won't eat either! I stomped my feet and ran to Murdoc's room

"MURDOC! I WANT TO SEE STUART NOW!" I yell, the pickle jumps up a bit



"DO YOU WANTA SEE HIM OR NOT?!" He yelled back


"Come here dear!" Murdoc pulled me into the small room and there it was. It was a small portal connecting to that little song machine. It looked risky though.

"Now, you can only spend just about 5 minutes in there with him Y/n. It's dangerous and you can get stuck in another dimension that isn't real! You will vanish for ever. Don't get memorized by magic city either...and DONT get attached to faceache for so long! 5 MINUTES ONLY!" Murdoc tossed me a necklace timer and I put it around my neck.

I nodded and stepped in. It was the strangest feeling ever. I felt like my insides were spinning like a thousand tornados at a time but I didn't feel sick. I felt like I was floating but falling at the same time. My head felt as light as a feather, I looked down at my arms and legs and then around me. Everything was white until another portal opened I saw Stuart sitting down. I ran to it

"STUART! STUART!" I said running towards the blue haired boy, he instantly looked up at me and his black eyes widened

"Y/n! Oh my gosh! ITS REALLY YEW!!" He said wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him tighter than ever.

"Here I brought u this!" I took out a water bottle and a bag of strawberries I hid in Stuart's jacket that he gave me. I still wore it since the first time he gave it to me.

Stuart's eyes widen and he took the water bottle almost chugging the whole thing. I giggled and sat next to him. I played with his hair

"Thirsty weren't you?" I said as he leaned his head on my chest and we sat on the high ridge looking down at the city.

"Yep...I'm so happy yewr ere'" Stuart nudged his head in my chest as he dug his face in the crook of my neck. My stomach felt like it was burning as I grew red.

"I've missed you pretty boy." I said playing with his hair and rubbing his back.

"I miss yew too!" He said into my neck

"Wot's this?" He said grabbing my timer

3:25 seconds

"Oh! I almost forgot oh my gosh! I can only say here for 5 minutes. I only have 3 minutes and 23 seconds left. I saw Stuart's eyes sadden

"It's okay Stuart. I know it will be over but's not over right now, so let's enjoy it for a moment!" I rocked him back and fourth as he hummed a song that I didn't know. It sounded very good though

"What are you humming? It sounds great!" I said

"Oh! I made a song! I called it Magic City! Heh," he said blushing

"I'd love to hear it!!" I said touching his hair and massaging his head

"I promise yew will hear et once I come back!" He said cupping my face

"Make it back by Wednesday Stu. I'll be waiting for you at our secret place in the woods ok?" I gently got up. Stuart towered over me and we stared into each other's eyes.

"See you later pretty boy!" I kissed his cheek again

"See you later Y/n" Stuart kissed my forehead. I felt MY WHOLE BODY HEAT UP.

I jumped back into the portal and made it back to the little room to find Murdoc sitting down tapping his leg worried.

"FINALLY! I THOUGHT U WERE LOST IN THERE DARLING!" Murdoc pulled me into a hug. I felt so warm...? He was worried about me. He actually cared about me? I wasn't used to this kind of treatment since no one has ever been a father figure to me.

"Hehe, im good Muddz" I hugged him back then I walked out the door to meet up with Russel and Noodle

"Hiya Y/n! Want to watch a movie with Noodle and I?" Russel invited me

"SURE!" I said with a smile on my face.

With that we were all cuddled up on the couch even murdoc joined us. The only person missing was my little pretty boy Stuart.


1,211 words! This chapter was so cute!🥹 STAY TUNED LUVS!❤️

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