Gentle Hands

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We made it to the club at around 12:20 pm. I told Jack I'd meet him near the bathroom area since the whole place is kinda big. 

"I'm heading for the drinks." Murdoc said already walking there. 

"Uhm, I'll be there in a bit!" I said but murdoc grabbed my hand, everyone else knew where I was going except him.

"Where you going darlin??" He said confused

"I-i-i- need to use the loo! I forgot to go..haha" I said backing away.

"Oh alright! Come back though I want to dance with you!" He said 

"got it.." I walk off glancing at Stuart, he was TOO PRETTY NOT TO LOOK AT. And lucky me he was staring at me already which made me blush.

I bump into some people here and there, the place was packed!

"woah, carful baby"

"gahh damn cutie"

"now that's one fit bird" 

All these blokes made me so annoyed I just pushed them off but they took that as "flirting". I eventually  made it to the bathroom and looked around for a bit. I was getting kinda excited not seeing Jack there because being honest this meant I didn't have to worry about him and I can enjoy my time with Stuart...UGH WHAT I'M I THINKING STUART HAS A GIRLFRIEND. I began to look more and finally laid my eyes on the same man that attended us lighting up a fag.

"hey." I said leaning my head on the wall next to him, he dropped his fag and cleared his throat fixing his hair a bit.

"Oh! Y/n! Hi love!" He said digging his hands in his jeans.

"Hi jack, how are you??" I said trying to start a convo

"Im fine, how about you??" He said getting closer to me, almost a little too close for my liking so I slightly backed away.

"I-i-m fine! I uh, want a drink?? I can get it for you if you'd like!" I said a bit loud because of the music.

"Oh sure! I can come with you if you'd like-"

"NO!" The man jumped back a bit surprised 

"I mean! Uh- sorry, its just very crowded and I don't want to loose you haha! Here lets just sit here and I'll be back I promise!" I said sitting him down at a 2 people table.

"b-but Y/n? You sure? Are you alright?" He said grabbing my hand, I pushed his hand away.

"Jack...its my turn to serve you haha! What would you like you fine young man??" I said in a joke tone trying to make him stay there. He giggled

"Why thank you! I'd like a sour whisky with a side of lemon!" His order was a bit strange but I rolled with it.

"Coming right up!" Before I could leave Jack grabbed my hand a bit harsh it kinda hurt.. He pulled me in and kissed me on the lower cheek a bit too close to my neck. I was shocked and surprised, I didn't like this.

"Don't take long sweetie.." He said whispering in my ear, I push him off me and left. I didn't know how to feel, he was probably drunk already but I just met him...I already didn't like him much. I bumped into those flirty blokes again but I pushed my way through the bar. I soon met up with the rest of the crew.

"hi guys.." I said a bit toned down then before, just remembering what jack did.

"HI DARLING! COME GET A DRINK." Murdoc said motioning me to sit next to him but I sat next to Stuart and Paula.

"YEA SIS THIS DRINK IS SO GOOD!!" Noodle said, I slightly smiled.

"yew okay?" Stuart said placing his hand on top of mine, how come everyone else doesn't noticed my sad tone except him? He is so precious and gentle with me, I feel so safe with him. Ugh, I just want to be with him, he cares so much about me. I almost forgot to answer him back but he didn't mind, he just began to rub my hand gently. His soft hands made my heart warm up.

I then lean my head on his shoulder, I didn't even care that Paula was here. I slightly look up to see her going to the bathroom but I didn't care. I didn't care that Jack was here, I didn't care that he told me to not take long. I just wanted to stay here with Stuart. I felt stuarts arm wrap behind me with the other wrap around my waist.

"somefing happened?" His soft voice cracked gently as his head leaned in a bit to me. I continued to look down but I nudge my head into his neck motioning it to yes. 

"yew want ta talking about et?" He said gripping me closer to him. I just stay silent and close my eyes while scooting closer to him.

"woteva happened yew are safe here luv." Stuart places his hand on my head and began to play with my hair as he took a sip from his drink. Can I please just stay here forever, he is so warm and just so perfect. Yea, he's scrawny, skinny, clumsy, weird, but he is so perfect in my eyes. Stuart is so beautiful and just simply lush.

-----10 minutes later------

I wake up on stuarts lap with my legs around his waist and our chest touching together, my head was in the crook of his neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He was talking with Russel, I was confused on how I got here.

"exactly! tha's wot I'm saying!" Stuart said as he played with my hair.

"You are right! This drink is good.." Russel said.

I lift my head up from stuarts neck.

"oh, good morning luv." Stuart said gently moving a strand of my hair from my face.

"oh my gosh! What happened?! How long was I asleep for?!" I said looking around, the club was still packed

"don't freak out luv! Yew were only asleep for like 10 minutes!" Stuart said, I jump off his lap and dig my hands in my hair.

"OH NO OH NO!" I said before rushing back to the bathroom not realizing Stuart was following me. I soon made it to where jack was, he wasn't alone though he was MAKING OUT WITH PAULA. 

I just stood there in silence, I look to my right to see Stuart also standing in silence, we were BOTH standing in silence when everyone else around us were dancing. 

We then looked at each other...blinked 3 times....he grabbed my hand and we pushed our way out of the club. 



1,090 words!! not Paula crackhead making out with jack🤭 HAHA! I hope you luvs are doing okay! I'm a little sick myself but I'm feeling better! STAY TUNED!!💕

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