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6:30 a.m

I woke up in Stuarts bed with his blanket wrapped all around me. There was no daylight so I couldn't tell if it was morning. I instantly shot up and remembered russel saying to stay in touch. 

"shit! I fell asleep!" I said. I quickly make stuarts bed and grab his hello kinky shirt throwing it over my shoulder. I make it out of his room and approach the elevator.

"AH!" I also forgot how fast this elevator goes!


The elevator came to a stop on the first floor. The doors opened and I was hit by a bright light.

"ITS MORNING?! OH NO OH NO!" I said as I looked at the big windows and saw the shining sun.

I ran outside and see from a distance a green light glowing. I run inside.

"y/n? Y/n?!?? Yew there??" I heard raspy voice say. Its Stuart!

"hi! STUART! Yes I'm here! Sorry I was asleep!" I said catching my breath.

"blimey! Luv, I thought somefing happened ta yew!" He said relieved

"haha! Nope...I'm fine...just a bit sad." I said looking down, the feeling of loneliness hit me. 

"oh luv, I know. Where did ya sleep? Did ya sleep ok?" He said actually concerned

"a-actually Stu...I slept in y-your bed." I said a bit hesitant.

"awh my luv! I was actually about ta tell yew about et n-now...I'm happy yew found et!" He said all flustered, I could almost sense his rosy cheeks.

"Stuart I miss you so much...please tell me murdoc has fixed something! Anything!" I said desperate.

There was a silence

"I'm sorry luv, but he hasn't found anyfing.." My heart sunk when stuart said that.

"I promise yew will come home ok. Or else I'll go ta yew...I don't care how dangerous et is. I need yew Y/n." He said with passion.

"I need you too Stuart." I said while taking off my shirt and putting on Stuart's shirt that I brought with me. 

"did ya eat? Do ya feel okay?" He said. It made me blush how concerned he was for me.

"I-i- dunno if there is any food..I feel ok I guess." I said

"Uhm, look for some food inside tha' tower. If ya can't find any go ta my room, I have like a couple snack in there. Not much but et will do!" He said. I giggled to myself.

"I'll see right now." I touched my stomach, it was rumbling 

"How's everyone?" I asked

"oh- uhm..they are all asleep actually..I-i- couldn't wait any longer ta talk ta yew." He said, I smiled softly

"I love you." I said

"I luv yew more!" 

"I'll look for food...talk to you in a bit ok? Take care of yourself Stu, make sure to eat ok?" I said. I knew Stuart never really ate. Whenever something would bother him he wouldn't eat at all...I was worried that this whole situation would affect him.

"r-r-right...uhm yea. Go eat yourself luv! Talk ta yew later." I heard stuart blow a kiss. 

"you're so cute." I giggled blowing one back. He giggled before the green light turned off. I get up from the floor.

"ok..mission one. Find food." 

I enter the plastic tower and head towards the kitchen. I spot the fridge and opened it

"GROSS." I said covering my nose, everything was rotten! I roll my eyes. And head to the elevator to go to stuart room.


Once I got there I opened his door and went on a look for his secret snacks. I came across this silly metal box with a smily face on it. I opened it and a few bags of pretzels and gummy snacks were in there.

"of course stuart would have these!" I said. I took the box with me and grabbed a couple of his zombie films and his blanket. I then gently closed his door. 


I step out of the elevator and sit myself on the giant couch. 

"this won't fill me up though...I must save these." I said putting the box down. I wrap myself in Stuarts blanket and I look up at the roof just thinking on what everyone was doing right now.

2D's POV:

I enter the studio after finishing Murdocs final songs from this silly album. I told him I didn't want to because it certainly wasn't the best time since Y/n is gone but he didn't want to hear it. I head to the kitchen and drink some water. I remembered Y/n telling me to eat...I look at Russel and Noodle from a distance eating pancakes. My stomach turned...I can't eat. I don't want to eat. Water will do just fine...

Before I entered the living room I heard murdoc whispering to russel

"I can't do anything any more! That damn shit won't work!" He loudly whispered 

"Murdoc keep trying." Russel said


"Then we will go ta' er'!" I said from behind



"D NO! You aren't going."

"No way a twat like you could make it. YOU ARE USELESS." Murdoc said

"ME? USELESS? At least I'm willing tA go! NOT LIKE YEW THA GAVE UP AND IS NOW SITTING ON THA FUCKIN COUCH EATING SHIT." I yell. Russel and Noodles eyes widen. This was one of the first times that I actually stood up for myself.

Murdoc didn't say anything, he was left speechless. He got up and walked to his room. 

I walk out of the studio. I sit outside the porch and try to calm myself down...I try breathing, I try counting, I try to forget about it but I can't. My anger turns into tears...I was now crying. I couldn't stand it here anymore, not w/o Y/n. I couldn't handle this anymore, everyday was just arguments and tension. I just wanted to disappear with Y/n. It made made so mad how I was the only one who actually cared so much for her. The only one that talked to her this morning. 

"one more day, one more fuckin day. I'm goin'." I said getting up and wiping my tears. I am going to get Y/n back. 


1,013 words!!!! Are you guys going to the North America Gorillaz tour??? It starts this weekend!! I hope you luvs are doing okay! Stay Tuned!❤️

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