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Y/N's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a helicopter and my hair flying around like crazy. I was SLEEPING ON THE MANATEE! It was still dark out.

"ELLO MISS! YOU ALRIGH?! IS THIS YOUR HOME?!"  A strong British accent was heard. It was coming from the HELICOPTER RIGHT ABOVE ME. WHAT THE FUCK. I woke up fully now.

"HUH- HI! OH ! HELP HELP! PLEASE I'M STRANDED HERE HELP! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!"  I shouted. The guy just stood there looking at me.

"OI DON'T WORRY MISS! HELP IS HERE! HOP ON!" The guy let out a rope ladder. NO WAY! I WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO LEAVE THIS PLACE NOW! I put on Stuarts shirt and grabbed his journal that was next to me and I climbed up.

"goodbye manatee.." I whispered back.

"OH MY GOSH! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said hugging the man. He let out a giggle.

"YEH! OF COURSE MATE! Talk to me when you are all settled in, no rush hun!" He said. 

I couldn't believe it I was finally going to go HOME! I almost wanted to cry. I was finally GOING TO SEE STU- I thought about it again...oh wait he forgot about me. I sat down on the seat and looked out the window. Seeing the beautiful beach underneath me.

2D's POV:

(Song: 'Aries' by Gorillaz)

"I'm looking out at a volcano~
Trying to read the world today and see where you're at~

I'll never do that~"

I was speeding through the small road, the sound of the wheels stirring loudly gave me chills. I was still thinking about what everyone told me but I didn't care. I just wanted to see my Y/n.

She probably thinks I forgot about her but how can I ever forget a girl like her. She's mine. I'd never forget her. Not in a million years. Not ever. 

"H-hey, blue boy."

"I like your h-hair, it's really pretty."

"hey Stuart...if you DID have a button on you I'd never turn you off."

How is it possible that I still remember her exact words she told me when I first talked to her. I love her, and I feel so much guilt that I ignored her all day.

"I'm a model that is uncomplicated~

You can play a happy tune on me, but don't turn me off~

'Cause then I am silenced~"

Y/N's POV:

I look down at the beach with my eyes watering. The lump in my throat forming. 

"I want ta show yew somefing! I fink yew will love et!"

"Y/n, yew promise not ta tell anyone about this place?"

"I promise."

"cross your heart."

"cross my heart."

Memories flooded my brain. Even though he might forgotten about me I still miss him. I miss everything. I miss him so much. 

"I'm standing on a beach in the distance~

And even though you're far away, can you see my red light?~
It's waiting to turn green~"

A tear streamed down my cheek as we flew farther and farther from the beach. The moon light shining making the water glisten.

2D's POV:

"'Cause I feel so isolated without you~
I can't play a happy tune on my own, so stay by my side~

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