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~wake up!!~
~wake up!~

I felt my eyes slowly start to open. I felt my breathing start to increase. I felt a heavy pressure on my body. I felt un real and fake. Where am I again? My eyes shut once more.


My eyes shot open this time. My mind was telling me to wake up. The heavy pressure was gone. My neck felt sore. I look around.

"Stuart's room?" Suddenly it all comes back to me again. I came back from plastic beach.

"Thats weird it feels like I forgot everything for a second..." I get up from Stuart's bed and weakly walk to his body mirror. I notice my neck instantly. Hickeys and bite marks.

"How is it possible to forget everything that happened since the night before?" I slowly start getting scared. Why did my memory just vanish?

"Maybe it's from the plastic beach trauma...haha...yea..." I brush it off and open the door. I walk to the living room. No one? I walk to the kitchen, no one? I walked to open the front door and I walk to the porch.




"what the fuck?" I step out in the open more. The cool breeze hits my warm body. Shivers.



i grab a think jacket that was laying on the small porch chair.




I walk...starting to jog...eventually running into the woods where those cracks were coming from. It sounded like something being broken.

"STOP! WHA' ARE YEW D-DOING?!" I heard a faint familiar voice the closer I got...the deeper in the forest.



"S-STOP!!" The familiar voice shouts again.

As I ran the woods began to feel familiar. I look up to the tall trees. I've been here before. I know this place. WHY IM I FORGETTING EVERYTHING? I look at the sky. Why cant I seem to be normal today?


I look up. It's Stuart. Paula was smashing a small hide out....wait...OUR HIDEOUT. Stuart's hideout!

"W-what?!" I shout


"What is going on?!" My breathing increases

"Y/n! Luv! Wha' are yew doing ere' wif out shoes?! Yewr going ta get sick!" Stuart takes off his leather jacket and layers me with my thin jacket I found on the porch.

"why is Paula destroying our hideout?!" I said



The branches of the trees snap in half.

"n-no!" I escape Stuart's arms and push Paula away. She jumps on top of me.

"GET OFF ME!" I push her off but she tackles me again.

"PAULA QUIT ET! STOP!" Stuart runs up to me helping me up.

"Yew okay luv? Don't worry about tha hide out! I already told yew last night."

Last night....last night?...last...night.

Nothing was connecting. Stuart's arms were now on my shoulders. He was towering me looking down into my eyes. I look at his chest

Last night?

"Yew okay? Yew seem....dazed off?" Stuart noticed my confusion

"Y-yes...s-sorry." Stuart looks closely at me. His face instantly turns worried.

"Was et because of what I did? I-I'm sorry if yew weren't ready luv.." Stuart grew distant from me. He looks almost disgusted in his self. I then remember the bruises on my neck.

"N-no! You did nothing! I'm just...just thinking." I said slowly fading off at tho end of my sentences.

"Yew sure?" Stuart gets closer to me again.

"Yes." I wrap my arms around his tall stick figure. I felt like I havnt done this in so long. I felt like I was dreaming this whole time.

"dirty mother fuckers." Paula drops a giant tool making a loud noise running off. I smile and hug Stuart tighter.

"Are yew sure yew are okay?" Stuart looks down at me, leaning down a bit.

"I-I-I don't know? I mean yes. I'm fine." I hug him again

"Can we go now? I'm cold." I said tugging his shirt

"Of course." Stuart picked me up.

"AH! Stuart! What are you doing!" I said giggling

"Yew don't ave' shoes! Wha do yew think I'm doing?!" He said laughing

I giggle

As we walk through the woods I look at Stuart's face closely. Admiring all his features. He's so beautiful. How did I get here again? No, like the start of it. How did I get here again? The very first start of it. Everything feels like the movies...

London. Taxi.

Oh, yea..I remember that. Started off as a girl who just wanted to be free. Never knew I'd end up here. Never knew Id be stuck in a taxi crying because I thought I was being kidnapped, or sucked into a portal, stuck on a plastic beach, or meeting a boy with blue hair that completely changed my life.

I was suddenly back. I just turned 18. I was back watching myself walking down that dark road on my way to my flight for london. I was back on the plane watching the clouds, hoping to find people that would love me, I was back on the taxi on that night, I was back hiding crying in the back seat, I was back on plastic beach, I was back on the helicopter talking with the pilot about how much I love this certain blue boy, I was back into his arms, I was back on londons bay, in that geep, talking to a green man, I was in the blue boys arms, I was here.

"I luv yew."

Back in the forest. I was being carried. My eyes felt light. High. He was staring at me.

"I love you too."

He holds me tighter. I got a lump in my throat and I don't know why. I felt so many emotions I didn't know what was going on but I was happy.

"Wake up luv! Are you still dreaming in there?" Stuart said putting me down.

I'm I still dreaming? No. This is real life!

"No! I'm fine and I love you!!!" I quit thinking, and quit dreaming, I hug him again.

"Let's go! I'm starving!" I said

"OKAY!! Let's go!!!"

I smile at him while the cold wind hits my face as we run, like little kids.

I get emerged with hugs as I step into the studio house.


Russel. Noodle. Oh I missed this!

"Morning darlin." Oh, murdoc. Just like the old days!

The lump in my throat was now gone.

Stuart's arms gently wrap around me. He kisses my head.

I don't have to dream about this anymore.

Usually this is supposed to feel like an ending. But for me...I think this has no ending.


1.133 words! Finished! I wanted to wrap this story up because I just needed a fresh start! I hope that's okay! New stories coming in!! Give me ideas etc! I hope you luvs are okay! Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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