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2D's POV:

I woke up alone in my bed, Paula was in my bathroom taking a shower. I stand up a bit, I felt guilt through my whole body. I felt so weak and stupid for letting something like that happen. Its all my fault, if I really did want her to stop I would have pushed her off but I just couldn't. I was too weak in the moment, all I wanted was to just close my eyes and hope that it would be over. My eyes begin to water as I think about what happened. Y/n will never want to see me again, I felt disgusted in myself. I sniffle. 

"Babe? You okay? Why so gloom?" Paula said sitting next to me with a towel on her head. I look at her with a blank stare.

"N-nofing. I'm going ta go eat." I said. This was a first, I actually HAD to eat. I haven't ate in days, I could fall at any moment.

I open the door and walk to the kitchen.

Y/N's POV:

"HAHA! GIRLS WIN AGAIN!" Murdoc, Russel, Noodle, and I were playing a board game while eating breakfast. It was girls vs. boys and Noodle and I won again.

"RIGGED!! NO FAIR!!" Murdoc said throwing his action figure across the room, everyone then stopped laughing because we all saw Stuart.

We all look at him.

"Well well well, how was it last night?" Murdoc smirked at him. Stuart looked down and slowly walked to the fridge without saying anything. He looked so dead, originally my plan was to wait for him and once he got home I would care for him and everything but since he's with Paula I felt like I shouldn't. They just fucked all night.

Stuart grabbed a fruit from the fridge and sat down on the opposite side of the table from me. He stared at me quickly, then looked away.

"So D, you back with Paula? Or what?" Russel said picking up the board game.

"Are you really that thick?! OF COURSE HE IS! They fucked all night!" Murdoc said laughing.

I then got up and left the table. Walking out the door I closed it shut and sat on the porch.

2D's POV:

Y/n left, I could tell she was so hurt. UGH IM SO STUPID! I really am a dumbass, im useless, im an idiot. 

Murdoc then got up and walked out the door, from the window I saw him sit next to Y/n. Ugh! I hate Murdoc for that! He thinks he's so innocent and shit with Y/n, he isn't like that at all.

"Why are you sitting back here again? Who are you waiting for now?" I heard Murdoc's voice, it was kind of muffled but you can still hear it. 

"No one. I'm not going to wait for anyone now. I feel so stupid for waiting all the fuckin time." Y/n's voice was heard. I knew she was talking about me. Its all my fault! She shouldn't be the one feeling stupid!

"Don't think about it love, you got me." Murdoc wrapped his arms around her. I wanted to just punch him in the face. He just wants to use Y/n to just shag her and then leave her.

"Thanks Muddz." Y/n leaned against Murdoc. What the fuck?! I thought she hated Murdoc?!

I step back and think...she doesn't hate murdoc she hates me and I dont blame her. I hate myself too. 

Y/N's POV:

I got up and walked back into the Studio everyone was looking at Murdoc and I. I looked back at them confused and they all quickly look away. I roll my eyes and walk to the couch. 

--------8:30 p.m---------

"I'll be back Stu-pot!" I heard Paula kiss Stuart.

"KISS ME BACK!" Paula yelled at Stuart harshly.

"S-s-sorrey!"  I heard Stuarts weak kiss. I felt kinda bad for him. That bitch Paula glared at me before she left and slammed the door. I was still on the couch watching a scary movie. I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Stuart then sat on the couch too, but not too close. I looked at him confused then back to the movie trying to ignore him.

"...w-wot are y-yew watching'?" Stuart broke the silence.

"A zombie film I bought a couple days ago." This was originally one of Stuarts gifts I bought him, but I just decided to give them to myself.

"oh, thas' cool! I luv this film actually." He said.

"cool." I said a bit sarcastic. 

"U-uhm, Y/n." Stuart said

"yea?" I said looking at him. I almost forgot how pretty he is, I have been trying to avoid his face all day. 

"I-i-i-, nevamind." He said stuttering 

"o...k." I said looking back at the movie. I then got up and approached the door.

"w-where are y-yew goin?" Stuart said getting up too.

"somewhere." I said grabbing the door knob.

"b-but where?"

"Why do you want to know so back Stuart?!" I said almost yelling. I was pissed, he fuckin lead me on and is still trying to get me back.

I saw him flinch.

"I-i-im sorry." Stuart said. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door behind me. I burst into tears and ran into the woods. I found the wooden ladder and began to climb it. I then sat by myself on the top of 'our hideout'

I look up from a distance, all the memories just begin to flood in. The day I was in the taxi, the first time I saw Stuart. When he said that he wouldn't let Murdoc hurt me which actually calmed me down and made me feel safe. Stuart made me feel all these emotions which I haven't felt in a while, they were all fake. I really thought he liked me....I really wished he did because,... because I still love Stuart! I act like I hate him and I act like im fine with him dating Paula but im not.

I'm in love with Stuart!!

I begin to cry more, I heard creaking coming from the wooden ladder. I panic and wipe my tears from my face quickly. I turn around fast and see Stuart. 

"w-what are you doing up here?" I said backing away

"I would a-ask yew tha' same thing." He said sitting down next to me. There was complete silence for a solid 5 minutes. 

"If you think im mad at you for being with Paula im not, ok? I don't care what you do because I dont own you. I really couldn't care less." I lied. I got up and began to climb down.

"W-wait-" Stuart said

"no stuart." I climbed down and walked off. I heard him try to hurry down.

"Y/n! P-please! I-i-i- just want ta' go back ta' normal again! I miss wha' we had before all of this!" Stuart grabbed my hand. I let go of his hand.

"Well we CAN'T STUART! Ok?! WE CAN'T! Because you want Paula! You guys are dating! WE CAN'T GO BACK TO WHAT WE WERE BECAUSE IT WON'T BE FAIR TO PAULA! You did this to yourself." I walk into the studio and run to my room slamming the door. I threw myself on my bed.

On the inside I did agree with Stuart, I also wanted to go back. I missed what we had before all of this. But he has Paula now, and im not a hoe who fucks with other bitches boyfriends. 

I felt like a volcano erupting in my bed with tears. I fell asleep before I knew it. 


1,225 words! SCHOOL STARTS IN ONE DAY FOR ME OH MY GOSHH! I'm going to just keep counting down in this book HAHA! I hope you luvs are doing okay! Stay tuned!❤️

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now