'Cause Then I Am Silenced

196 7 15

The crowd went wild, the dark night sky was pitch black only the lights from the stage were lit. 

"Yew sing so beautiful luv." Stuart whispered as we stood next to each other

"You sing beautiful too Stu!" I smile at him. I look at Murdoc and he motions me to scoot closer to him. I was a bit confused but then suddenly all the lights shut off. The whole place was pitch black, there was a sudden yelp from the crowd.

I turn back quickly grabbing stuarts hand.

"S-stuart don't let go of m-me please." I said shaking, I knew that they were coming for me. Stuart held me tight

"Don't worry luv I won't let yew go" Stuart led me towards murdoc tripping a bit because there was no light.

"M-murdoc they are here aren't they?" I said as Stuart held onto me. We were all frozen.

"yo what's going on?!"

"where are the lights?"


The crowd was yelling at this point. We then hear gun shots and everyone started to scream and run. Bumping into each other since there was zero lights.

"shit! Muddz we got to go now!" Russel yelled grabbing Noodle's hand and then struggling running back stage. 

"FOLLOW ME Y//N" Murdoc yelled pulling my arm causing stuart to fall back.

"Stuart!" I yell trying to stop Murdoc.

"MURDOC STOP! STUART!" I yell trying to escape his grip

"LETS GO!" Murdoc yelled

"NO!" I escape his grip but instead I also fall back. I run back to the stage trying to find stuart but it was so damn dark.

"Stuart?! Where are you?! Stuart!" I say squinting my eyes. 

"y/n!" I hear someone whisper my name coming from under the keyboard set up. 

"stuart! IS that you?" I loudly whisper

"come ere! shh!" I was so confused so I approached the keyboard set up. I was instantly pulled down crouching underneath it. Stuart held me close to his chest and put his hand over my mouth to calm down my breathing

"listen, stay silent ok luv? this will all be ova.'" He said shaking. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I thought I was going to die, we were both going to die. 

I heard foot steps close to us and then I heard a gun load. My breathing hitched up and I closed my eyes not trying to make a sound. Stuarts grip grew tighter, I could feel his terror. The foot steps got closer and closer although I couldn't see anything I open my eyes and faced stuart, I dig my face in his chest and I close my eyes tightly. If I die tonight I'll die in his arms, my eyes got watery just by the thought of this being our final moments of living.

My shaky hands grab his cold shivery ones. He pressed me against him; my cheek touched his cheek, his face was wet; he was silently crying. This is when I started to silently cry too, stuarts hand over my mouth hoping to not make a sound. 

Minutes felt like hours, just staying the same position hoping for a miracle to happen, hoping that we would wake up from this nightmare, hoping we would just open ours eyes and we would be laying down in our secret hide out looking at the delicate fireflies. 

Everything was silent, there were no foot steps, no nothing, just darkness.

"I love you." I silently whispered right into Stuarts ear. I wanted to say it just once more.

He grabbed me and kissed me lightly.

"I-i-i- luv y-yew too. I luv yew foreva Y/n..." His shaky soft voice hummed in my ear. I don't know if it was the crying or the terror in me but I felt sleepy, I felt like my body wasn't functioning anymore, everything around me felt humid. 

I squeezed stuarts arm because I was scared, did I die? Did I get shot? Was I dead this whole time? I began to feel dizzy, my brain was trying to process everything. Did I really die?? No no no! please tell me I didn't die. I didn't hear a bullet...did I get shot?! My brain was still lightly functioning.

"s-stuart, stuart." I said with all my remaining strength, but I couldn't do anything anymore I felt myself fall to the ground. 

"y/n." I heard stuart also fall beside me. That's when I closed my eyes while I held onto stuarts hand. Eyes shut with fingers intertwined.


Crickets, soft ocean waves, light cold breeze, wind blowing leaves, soft seagull squeals. Light aching head, pins and needles, empty hands. 

My eyes squint open lightly, my head stabbing me in pain, my hands sweating uncontrollably. A dim yellow light shining above me, everything was blurry. I fully open my eyes and look around. A small room with only a couch that I was laying on. A wide window in front of me, it was night time but I was at a beach? Where the fuck I'm I? I thought I died?

I struggle getting up, tumbling on my first try I pick my self up and lightly approach the wide window. The moonlight was shining against my sick pale face from all the terror that I went through. 

"plastic beach." I said to myself

"I'm at plastic beach.." I said finally connecting the dots. 


871 words!!!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK WILL HAPPEN NOW??!?!! Also what are your guys fav gorillaz album/s?? Mine are probably Demon Days or Plastic Beach! I HOPE YOU LUVS ARE DOING OKAY! STAY TUNED!🧡

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