Head Up

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"Wake up baby!" I heard murdoc say from a distance. I got up from the couch I was sleeping on. Stuart and I came back into the studio after last night so I was pretty tired.

"g-goodmorning" i said rubbing my eyes, and getting up.

"Sleep well darlin?" Murdoc said smirking at me while taking a sip from his coffee

"Yeah." I said not amused but then slowly smiling after remembering where Stuart and I went last night.

"Murdoc where is the bathroom?" I said while fixing up the couch

"Up ahead, take a right, then a left, then another right!" I just stared at him blankly.

"thanks..." I left and started to find the way. I soon bumped into Stuart. He towered me as my face heated up

"Goodmornin luv." He said in the most gentle tone I have ever heard it made my stomach release butterflies.

"Goodmorning Stuart!!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Where yew headin' tew?" He said still towering me looking straight into my eyes

"u-uhm the bathroom!" I said getting lost into his eyes

"Oh! Sorry for blocking yewr way!" He quickly stepped aside allowing me to walk.

"No biggie!" I said smiling at him then quickly trying to find the bathroom because I was literally about to piss my fuckin pants.

I finally found it after a missed right. I did my business then looked around a bit.

"I should shower." I didn't even think about it. I hopped into the shower. I used someone's shampoo I didn't really know who it was,..still used it. I got out of the shower and looked for a towel. I opened the cabinet underneath the sink to find clean white towels. WHY WAS THERE SO MANY

I brushed my hair with my fingers since I had no brush. I then came across a packet of new toothbrushes

"They kidnapped me so might as well!" With that I took one and began to brush my teeth. I felt so fresh and clean after all that...I looked at my self in the mirror and blushed. Damn was I cute and hot. I stepped out of the bathroom and went back into the kitchen

"woah! looking fit beautiful!" Murdoc said as he smirked at me

"Gross! Murdoc leave Y/n alone!" Noodle grabbed my hand and took me closer to her. I ignored Murdoc

"What are you making Noodle?" I said smiling at her

"Oh! Pancakes! Want to help me make them?"

"I'd love too!!"

We began to make them. It was so fun noodle and i really bonded and I felt closer to her...but not in the way I felt with Stuart. With Stuart it was different, completely different.

By the time we were done everyone was just waiting  for their food in the kitchen. We set down the plates and everyone began to gobble their food. Except Stuart.

"Do you boys just depend on Noodle to feed you every morning?" I said while looking at them eat like they haven't ate in 10 years.

"Sometimes...when she doesn't cook we just eat burnt toast. Except Stuart. That twat doesn't eat shit. Someday he will die of starvation and it will be all his fault!" Murdoc began to laugh. I didn't find it funny though. Stuart then left the table and went to his room. I left my plate on the table.

"Not gonna eat Y/n?" Noodle said grabbing my wrist gently before I could leave

"Oh! Nah I'm good. I don't really eat in the morning. Enjoy yourself Noodle! And you guys too!" I said before leaving following Stuart.

I heard a door close and I got closer to it. Right before my knuckles hit the wooden door I thought about it for a second.

"What if I bother him?

"What if he just wants to be alone?"

"What if this is serious?"

My thoughts wondered but then I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. By now I got super nervous but I wasn't just going to leave it at that

"h-hey, Stuart? It's me, Y/n! Can I come in?" Right when I said that I heard shuffling from the bed. Then footsteps. The door opened slightly as Stuart looked at me and gestured me to come in. I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Stuart sat back on his bed while I sat on the floor with my head resting on his bed. My knees were tucked into my chest as I was thinking on what to say.

"you have a cool room..." I randomly said

"really? Everyone finks it's dumb and messy." Stuart said as he rest his head on his pillow

"No, I like it. It has a vibe to it." I said picking up an old vinyl from the floor. I then stood up and faced Stuart. His face instantly turned red as his head lifted from his pillow

"can I-" Before I could finished Stuart moved a bit back from his bed

"Of course." He patted beside him on his bed as I threw myself on to it. Without thinking I bring Stuart closer to me and I wrap my arms around him. He digs his head into my chest and starts to cry.

"I know I know, it's ok." I said playing with his hair

"I-I-I cant Y/n. M-murdoc always makes f-fun of me because I don't e-eat and it hurts m-me it really d-does." Stuart sniffles in my chest

"I'm so so sorry Stu, let it out on me okay? Talk to me." I said rocking him back and fourth trying to calm him down

"I-I-I'm just so tired of getting t-treated differently." Stuart cried more. His sentence made my heart drop. He really just stated my whole life.

"Hey Stuart look at me." I lifted his head with two fingers. His poor eyes saddened as his cheeks were red from crying. His lips were frowned and he sniffled looking at me.

"It's not your fault that you get treated like this okay? there is nothing wrong with you! Murdoc is just a big dick and he treats you like absolute shit! I have noticed ever since....well ever since I got into this mess! I-I-I didn't even know you and I knew you had such an innocent and kind soul. You don't deserve this Stu." I hug him again but this time tighter. He grips my waist more and hides his face in my chest.

"I-I neva met anyone like y-yew Y/n." He said looking at me again. I smiled softly wiping his tears away. Stuart nudged his head in my palm as I did so.

"Don't listen what that ugly ass pickle says about you Stuart. You are so perfect and BEAUTIFUL!!!" I didn't mean to say that last part out loud but it came out. I instantly turned red. Stuart blushed madly as well

"Y-yew fink I'm beautiful?" Stuart blushes even more. His tears were completely gone now

"y-yea." I said as I tried looking away

"I fink YEW ARE BEAUTIFUL TEW!!" Stuart said with pink dust in his cheeks

"You are just too sweet." I said hugging him again

"Y/N! FACEACHE! LETS GO! We ARE GOING TO THE CITY TO FIND ANOTHER PIECE FOR THE SONG MACHINE!" Murdoc yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes. Way to ruin the moment you green pickle

"Great." I said letting go of Stuart. He sighed and looked down. I lifted his head

"Head up pretty boy! Remember what I told you." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

"hehe, right!" Stuart blushed and we both headed out the door. Our hands still collided with each other i felt him hold me tighter.

1,318 words! I hope you luvs are doing okay! Stay tuned!❤️

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now