Sad Tune On Me

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Traffic on the road, red lights everywhere, my droopy eyes look back at the dark bus, everyone was sleeping. I look at my blue boy and he was still sleeping! Damn he was tired, his cute soft snoring could be heard lightly. I turn to murdoc, the red light reflecting on his green skin, his eyes were fighting for their life.

"go to sleep." I said quietly and softly not trying to wake anyone up. Murdoc jumped a bit though

"I'm not sleepy...I-its just t-too bright...." Murdoc said re adjusting his seat.

"you go, go to sleep now. I'll take it from here." Murdoc offered, as much as I wanted to sleep already I felt bad. He was so sleepy too and he was still offering.

"no muddz, I got this. Just go to sleep." I said re adjusting in my seat trying not to fall asleep.

"you sure?" Muddz said.

"yes im sure." I said smiling at him. Not even a couple minutes later murdoc fell asleep, his snoring made stuarts soft quiet snoring disappear. The only thing keeping me awake now was Murdocs snoring...

My eyes got even heavier

"shit. stay awake Y/n." I said getting up and shaking my head. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder and jump back covering my mouth trying not to scream.

"sorry about scaring you doll!" Russel chuckled quietly

"oh! its okay." I said whispering.

"you okay?" I said with eyes on the road.

"oh yes! I just wanted to take your spot, go to sleep baby doll." Russels words made my heart warm up.

"oh! Russel I literally owe you." We both switch places

"no need to owe me anything, now get some rest. Sweet dreams (nickname)" Russel said. I smile softly.

I quietly walked to the back of the bus where everyone else was. The whole place was so dark I couldn't even tell who was who. I eventually found Stuart though, his long body all over the couch. Paula sitting and sleeping where his feet were, I was too tired to get mad though. I scoot next to Stuart with my back touching his chest, I felt his breath on my neck and I heard him whimper

"y-y/n, luv." Stuart said gently in a tired tone. He wrapped his hands around my waist as his warm body collided with my cold one. Shivers went down my spine, he felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around you on a cold rainy day.

"you okay? Does your head hurt or anything?" I whispered gently facing him, both out chest touching. He brought me even closer to him.

"n-no, not yet" He giggled in his tired voice...GOSH HIS TIRED VOICE IS SO HOT.

"ok, tell me when the hangover starts." I said playing with his hair.

"mhmm, f-fank yew luv. I luv yew so much~" Stuart said muffled into my chest.

"I love you too" I whispered into his ear, he squirmed a bit causing me to smile.

-------5:10 a.m---------

I wake up to the sound of whimpering coming from Stuart, his face stuffed in the crook of my neck.

"S-stu, you okay baby?" I said getting up a bit. I look around and everyone else was still sleeping

"n-no m-my head, et hurts s-so bad and I don't ave' anymore pain killers." Stuart said looking up and then stuffing his head straight to my neck again.

"oh love..." I said patting his back, I look out the window above us. We were parked near a small smoke shop.

"ay! There is a small smoke shop, they might have painkillers there. I'll go right now." I said getting up.

Aries (2d x reader)Where stories live. Discover now