Chapter #21

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                                             CHAPTER #21


"Hey, are you comfortable like this?" I asked Z, looking down. She was fast asleep, a mass of tangled hair on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and stopped the movie. I slowly adjusted my position so I was lying down and she moved to a more comfortable position. I looked at her contently sleeping, and tried to do it myself but couldn't. I thought of the day's events; I never expected things to go down this way. Never in a million years did I think she would reciprocate my suddenly stirred feelings towards her. I knew she was special, but never actually stopped to think how I felt. In that moment outside the café, I knew; and I had to tell her before it was too late. I was so glad I made that split second decision. I smiled again, thinking of her expression when I kissed her. I meant every word I had said out there; whether it was her chapter of happiness, sadness, anger or the times she got so mad no one could stop her from doing what she wanted, not that you could any other time; I loved witnessing all of these things. Nothing can ever make me regret my choice of doing what I did and what I will continue to do.

I suddenly realized something. She didn't know Aaron and I were cousins. I wonder what she'd do when she found out. Yeah, I thought 'when' and not 'if' she found out. She had the right to know at some point. Even if I would regret it, she had to know. I didn't want to think about this right now; I was in a good place and I wanted to stay there for as long as possible. She stirred beside me; I thought she wasn't comfortable and when I tried to move my arm, she pulled it closer and clutched onto it. I didn't know what to do; at first I thought she was just really sleepy; then understood that she was having one of her nightmares.

"Z?" I whispered. Her expression morphed into a frown. Even with her eyes closed, I realized that she was deeply affected by it. I'd never seen her like this before- helplessly trying to fight something in her head. I needed to wake her up but I didn't want her to scare her. I was afraid she would jolt awake and be

alarmed when she found herself in strange new surroundings. I propped myself on my elbow and brushed her hair away from her face.

"Z?" I tried again, slowly nudging her elbow.

"Don't do this, please. I'll die if you do; no- don't!" She muttered and at the last word, she sat upright with horror evident on her face. I sat up and pulled her close.

"Sshh, it's okay. You're okay," I said as she hugged me tightly. A while later, as she pulled away, her eyes were red and puffy.

"Jeez, I'm a mess, aren't I? I really have to stop crying in front of you," she said, her eyes red and puffy. I wiped her cheeks dry and kissed her forehead.

"You okay now?" I asked. She nodded lightly.

"God, I can't even sleep these days. Here's another reason why I'm completely screwed up. These nightmares are driving me crazy; I don't know what to do."

"I'm right here, it's okay. I know you wouldn't want to talk about it and I also figure you can't go back to sleep just yet. You want to go down to the backyard for a bit? It's nice weather isn't it?" She smiled as we remembered our conversation when the weather always came up in awkward situations. She got up from the bed and went to the door.

"You coming or what?" I joined her as we crept down the stairs without a sound. I unlocked the door and we walked out into the backyard; she stood in the middle of it, closed her eyes and breathed in the cold air blowing around us. I watched as she walked barefoot on the damp lawn and headed to the swing. She turned around and when she realized I wasn't right behind her, gestured for me to join her. I walked up to her and sat down. We sat in silence for some time, swinging back and forth.

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