Chapter #25

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Chapter #25

"Are you sure it was just a sprain?" Sky asked, staring sceptically at the doctor. We'd come to him to get a second opinion about my foot. It had been three days; the painkillers had done nothing to ease the pain. It still hurt like shit when I walked. I could barely get my foot off the ground to get myself up on the bed without both my hands.

"Yes, dear. Why are you so suspicious about it?"

"Well, for one; I fell down a couple of stairs," I said, looking at him.

"How many?"

"About 5 or 6, I think. I wasn't very conscious at the time, so."

"Well, there you go. If you had fallen down an entire flight of stairs; maybe 15 or more, you would've suffered a serious fracture. You should be thankful you can walk now."

"I'm limping, correction. How long will it be until my foot feels unbroken again?" I asked, cradling my foot. He sighed.

"Could you tell me the medication you're currently on?" Sky told him all the names.

"Oh. It seems to me that you haven't been given the treatment you actually need. I am going to change a couple of these now," he said, writing down two new meds. When he was done, we got up and Sky took my arm, helping me walk out.

"Be careful, child. Don't walk around too much and don't eat too much oil. I hope you feel better soon," he said, smiling lightly.

"Thank you," I said, dragging my foot to the door.


"Are you sure you can go? I can go you know," Sky said, as I checked my reflection in the mirror. Pink crop top with high waisted black jeans and sneakers; I had left my hair loose since it was nice weather.

"Skyyyy, I'm fine. Mom's coming back soon, let me get some stuff so we can make her a nice meal. Stop fussing, I'm good," I said, applying one last layer of kohl.

"Jesus, how much kohl are you going to apply? Do you plan on finishing that stick today?"

"Shut up, Sky, as if you've never seen me apply it before. Anyway, make me a list of things I need to buy. I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay, master," she said, bowing down and snickering to herself. I scoffed and waved her away. I unplugged my phone from the charger and stared at the empty screen. A couple of weeks ago, almost every time I picked up my phone, I'd have a message from Ray. I hadn't talked to him since then. I felt weird.

"Ugh, stop it," I exclaimed to myself and went down, putting the phone in my pocket. Sky was standing in the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Give me the money," I said, jutting my hand out. She rolled her eyes and gave me money and the list.

"Kay, bye," I said, going to the door.

"Be careful, Z. If you need ANYTHING, just call me, yeah? Hold on, let me make your wildest fantasy come true," she said, handing me a penknife. I raised my eyebrows.

"Woah, how come? Aw, you're so protective," I said, pinching her cheeks. She swatted my hand away and said:

"Hell yeah, I am. I don't want you drugged again. I don't want you attacked either. Just be happy I gave you this thing. It used to be dads. Take care of it, yeah?"

"Oh...Thanks Sky," I said, smiling and waving. I went out onto the porch, waved to her again and went out. I put the knife in my back pocket.

There was a light breeze and it was cloudy. I loved it. I started walking towards the supermarket. I knew it would take me at least twenty minutes to get there. So I thought I'd do some people watching. It had been about two weeks since I'd come out of the house and a long time since I'd walked alone to the market. I looked around, just observing the passers- by. I hoped it would rain, making the trees look greener, the surroundings prettier and me happier. I laughed to myself when I realised that I was talking like someone out of a fairy tale.

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