Chapter #22

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Once I finished typing, I looked back to see if Sky was still here; I almost forgot about her. She was engrossed in the book and was halfway through the book, which made we wonder how long I'd spent typing. Looking at the clock, it had been close to an hour or so. I thought I'd read through what I typed so I turned back to the typewriter.

"Hey, you done typing?" Sky asked suddenly.

"Yeah, just reading through. I saw that you were too into the book so I figured I wouldn't disturb you."

"Can I read it? If you're okay with it?" I finished reading it and decided to let her read it. No harm done; I hoped. I walked up to her and handed it over.

"Oh wait, I have to go get ready. Need to go to the store; mom's running out of a couple of meds. I'll be back," she said, getting up and taking the paper with her.

"Okay, you know where to find me," I said, heading towards the kitchen after locking the door five minutes later. Since it would take her a while to come back home, I assumed I could make myself a sandwich until then. I sat down, feeling a little miserable being alone. Ray was at home; Alicia was with Aaron; mom was in her room and Sky was going out. I usually never felt lonely, but now; for some reason I did. I ate in silence, waiting for Sky to get back. As I was washing my plate, I heard a noise from the library. At first, I didn't even notice it, but after two clicks; it was, to me, undoubtedly my typewriter. I thought maybe it was Sky, putting back my paper but then, she would have made a lot of noise. I slowly put down the plate and creeped in to the library; it was empty. Of course it was. I started to walk towards the open window when I heard the doorbell.

"Damn it," I muttered, going to open the door. It was Sky. After she gave the medicines to Suzan, we went to the library. I didn't want to tell her that I heard sounds from in there, because she'd most definitely say I was being paranoid or have been reading too many horror stories. I discreetly went to the typewriter, to load another paper into it. I tried moving the roller to move the paper up so I could type but it was stuck. Something was jammed in between the roller and the sides. I tried to push the paper in, to no avail. I had to work quickly and quietly, making sure Sky didn't ask me what I was doing. I tried for a good two minutes and then gave up. I pulled the paper out and put my hand in; trying to see what was crammed in there. It was a piece of crushed paper. Funny, it wasn't there when I was using it earlier. I started to panic and was about to take it out when Sky interrupted.

"So, Ray huh?"

"I thought you were reading; why did Ray come up?"

"Answer me, sista," she said, folding the paper and coming to sit next to my chair on the window sill.

"Yeah," I mumbled. She slapped me on my back and laughed.

"I knew it. From the moment I saw you looking at him on that first day of college, I knew."

"What do you mean 'you knew'? That's not possible you know, you can't just 'know' something like that," I argued.

"Well, I'm your sister and I knew. I'm so happy. Eeeee," she squealed. I raised my eyebrows, trying to give her a judging look but ended up grinning.

"Look at you, all pink," she said, pinching my cheeks. I slapped her hands away and laughed.

"I'm always pink, sista."

"Yeah, yeah. So now, tell me. Do you really feel like this?" she asked, waving the paper around. Oh boy.

"Parts of it, yeah. Not all of it, just you know, here and there."

"Care to tell me what you mean?" I debated on whether to tell her about Alicia and Aaron. I finally decided that I would; she wouldn't change the way she behaved towards Alicia so, no harm done.

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