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Death. One word that can tear you apart, throw your life in jeopardy, make you want to hurt people. I have seen death way too many times. And it has done more damage to me than anything, ever.  

Why am I, Alayzia Blackwell telling you all this? To be frank, I don't really know. I just wanted to tell someone and let it all out so here I am.

I suppose I should let you know a little about myself; average height, tan skin, hazel eyes, dark wavy hair that reaches my waist, bit of a softie, I must say. I have always had the problem of overthinking; even in a simple no-brainer situation. I don't express myself really well; I'm rubbish at it, to be honest. I can't, for the life of me, tell a person how I feel about him/ her. I want to, but I just can't. I just act like a complete idiot and just start saying things that make no sense at all.

My mom calls me a diplomat, but I just say I'm neutral. I hate the thought of telling people if they're doing or saying something wrong. I just let them do or say what they want until someone else corrects them; and then I feel like I should have told them first. This happens to me all the time. 

Anyway, I used to have a lot of friends in middle school. By the time I reached high school, all of them either moved away or just ignored each other.  All except one. We'll come to that later.  Well, let's begin my story.

AUTHORS NOTE: Okay. This is probably the shortest prologue in the history of prologues. Can't help it really. Couldn't think of anything else for it. Anyway, people usually post a song or another book recommendation after each chapter. I thought I would post a youtube video and the songs that I'm addicted to at the moment. 

So here: 

Panic! at the disco- Nicotine

Panic! at the disco- Girls/girls/boys

Afrojack ft. Wrabel- Ten feet tall

Hardwell- Dare you


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